

Its a Bethesda game. What did they expect would happen?

All I got from this is that Hello Games screwed up yet another release. Sounds about right.


100% agree. A story mode in any sports game is just stupid.

This comment made my afternoon. Have a star knowing that I am laughing while clicking on said star.

Yup he sure did. I am in the same boat as you. I was waiting for the Switch version. Guess that’s out of the picture now.

Also, obnoxius.

Really? You are saying that I should kill myself because I do not like mobile games. Do you realize how stupid and childish you sound right now? Two things I will say to you and nothing more.

1. You really need to seek help. Your attitude/mindset over something as petty as a stance on mobile games inclines you to

To ME it is garbage. Keyword : Me. You can defend it all you want but it won’t change my mind nor my stance on the topic.

But not necessary. This is what comment sections are for. To comment on things related to the article. If you like mobile games then by all means play it to your hearts content. I certainly will not bother to do so. 

It is mobile garbage. Just like Pokemon Go, just like most mobile games. It is not being arrogant, it is calling it what it is.

Look, someone who can’t accept that others just do not like mobile games.

More mobile garbage? Hard pass.

What drives me crazy about this is that people are electing to just create things that are already in existence (copyrighted IP). Why not be creative and make something completely original?

All I am hearing and seeing are a bunch of babies not wanting to install another launcher. People just need to get over it if they want to play an EXCLUSIVE game. It costs you nothing to install another launcher other than 10-15 seconds and some additional HDD space.


So a piece of shit streamer gets paid by a piece of shit company. Where is the news exactly?

Glad it is gone. Seriously? A game about rape? Like come the fuck on.

I agree. They should have done this a long time ago.