Jorge Albor

Of course! I noticed from quite a few people that they thought I was calling the team racist (a term I was very careful not to use in the article). I like the game a lot and I love to see a game so culturally influenced. That interpretation is mostly my fault for wording it the way I did.

Mind. Blown.

Avocado is a fruit. The most delicious fruit there is.

Right. My "Am I offended" quote should have been more clear. I never asked myself that question, at least not at first. It was others asking me that question instead.

That's actually not my intention at all. In fact, I know for certain the team has Mexican-American developers. I try to make clear that I don't necessarily buy into cultural ownership. They could be an entirely Iranian team for all I care. What matters is what they do right, wrong, and if they do it with care.

I completely agree. I should say, since it's not clear in the post, I don't think the creators were malicious at all. I met two of the leads at IndieCade last year and they were great. For the most part, it's a very fun game too.