Expensive French Pussy

We’re not anti-Goop per se, we’re anti-quackery

I love absurdism, the problem with goop is that its absurdity is off the charts, and also that it purports the absurd to be reality.

afaik, Gawker, Jezzie, Giz and Lifehacker have never advocated shoving a porous egg up your vag

Ad hominem - short for argumentum ad hominem, is where an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

we found gwenneths burner.

There is no agenda in calling out pseudo/fake science out as what it is. I mean I guess we could pretend we all are out to ruin her life, but really... she is selling stuff that has no proven capacity to work. In fact her company, sells a Jade rock that women are supposed to stick inside of themselves and leave it

What is lifehacker, gizmodo etc selling? Is Goop a blog or a website that sells stupid shit to stupid people? What a fucking moronic comparison.

I’d like to think it’s more simply anti-bullshit. It’s not Rae’s fault that bullshit is all that Goop sells.

Gwyneth, it’s so nice of you to join us.

Are you saying Goop’s health claims are valid?

Does any of this shit have any empirical science behind it whatsoever? Where are the journal publications? What tests were done? Have the results of those studies been repeated?

It’s well deserved.

It’s because we are poor and can’t afford home decor. Also plants are nice and when you kill them by accident no one asks questions.