
They are currently working on doing some sort of attack against Sony, but it's not going to be anything related to the PSN and they don't plan on doing any DDoS attacks they said they are working on something better and to expect results in 24 hrs.

There is a lot of ignorance when it comes to people with disabilities. People seem to think that just because someone is disabled they are not capable of doing things that people who are not disabled can. Those that are disabled are people just like you and I and they can do most things a non disabled person can, they

Totally agree!

Ok but that's not going to happen so why bitch about it? All the people that are saying now that they don't want to buy or play the game anymore just because it requires an online pass is just crazy to me.

Wow so many cheap people. More people need to get jobs to support their luxury habit. And yes gaming is a luxury it is not a necessity. Developers work hard and for years on these games only for people to bitch that they cost too much. If you wanna play you gotta pay simple as that.

Just because they don't sound good to you doesn't mean they don't sound good to other people. Not everyone is an audiophile.

I wonder if the majority of the people who talk shit about the Beats headphones have actually ever even used them? Sure they are overpriced, but they are not complete crap.

Thank you! The point I was trying to make is that Apple is no better than Samsung when it comes to stuff like this.

I thought it was funny. It's not any lamer than those Mac vs PC commercials.

I really wish Gridlock was a native feature in iOS. Also, I would recommend MultiIconMover. It is so annoying to have to drag applications one by one to different screens so with this app you just click on the icons you want to move and then go to the screen you want them placed on and just press the home button and

Umm no



Our government is just begging for a civil war.

I wish Anonymous were real life super heroes of the web and could do more than just send DDoS attacks. Like hack into the bank accounts of all the greedy bastards trying to take away our internet and give all their money to some charity.

Wow the demo was very dull & bland. Also, I seen someone say you can shoot in 3rd person? How do you switch?

That awkward moment when no one thinks that looks like a cocktail shaker lol

Actually they are very much involved in the fight against SOPA. They have videos on their YT channel discussing what they want to do and how they want others to help.

Clearly this is the work of Anonymous

:) ...hearted <3