
I really wanted to say something funny, but everyone is so serious so I guess I'll keep it to myself *sigh*

I never do, it doesn't bother me. It's just annoying more than anything else.

If I tell any guy I play Call of Duty they will laugh and immediately think I'm lying. Or if I'm in a lobby and have my mic on as soon as they hear I'm a girl you get the get back in the kitchen jokes.

As a girl I feel like people don't take me serious when it comes to liking tech. Since the industry is predominately male, women get looked at like they wouldn't possibly know what they are talking about. Same when it comes to gaming. It's mostly known as a male hobby, but there are lots of girls who love to play

You are the only dumbass here. Getting mad at me for simply stating MY OPINION. If you like them GOOD FOR YOU, but I don't. Seriously you need to chill!

I have a 2009 white MacBook and a legal copy of CS5 and I've never had it crash. So I don't get it?

As a Fashionista and someone who is studying Fashion....I think those are hideous, tacky, and very cheap looking.

We all know YouTube holds the title for worse comments

I'm pretty sure there is also crack in those flavor packs they use in orange juice because once I start drinking it I can't stop. I have to have it all day everyday.

Awesome video & the music complimented it very well.

Nope I did too lol

I might be weird for saying this, but I swear everything tastes better when you drink it from a glass bottle. Like I really don't like drinking from plastic lol.

Wow a 6 pack is $99 on Amazon!

I attend school online and my school only does ebooks and it's waaaaaay cheaper! All my books are easily available to me through an app on the iPad called Vitalsource Bookshelf. And I can also view them on my laptop.

Hmm...my post didn't show up?

I've never understood why anyone would want to stand in extremely long lines for hours instead of just ordering online. Is it really that important that you must have it as soon as it's released? Maybe some get a thrill out of it. Idk. Everytime I see crowds of people now I think back to all the stories and videos I

Yes the beats are over priced, but they are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be. I wouldn't recommend them at the current price, I myself regret paying $300 for them, but they are still good headphones. The people who buy these aren't audiophiles. And I didn't buy them because of who they are associated with

Can someone fix the link?

I wonder if the game is going to take place entirely in the high school? If so I can see it becoming boring really fast.

I completely agree. Couldn't have said it better myself.