I believe she's part catcher's mitt and orangutang.
I believe she's part catcher's mitt and orangutang.
*activates Bitchy Gay Scot Mode*
“Your comment, and everyone who likes it, which by the number currently is quite a decent amount, shows just how truly ignorant most people are. The police, to do anything to the cartel, have to play by a set of rules. They have to climb a ladder of approval to obtain weaponry and deployment to even get to a force…
Hear ye, hear ye! May all proud white people gather near to celebrate the mattering of our lives!
At some point “reasonable accommodations” will include letting blind people do precise steering of large craft. We knew this back in 1987.
First, I have never, ever paid for sex. And second, I, as an adult man, have not slept with a 17-year-old.
Feel the need to put in the obligatory warning that Autism Speaks does more harm than good for people with autism. As a disclaimer, none of what I’m about to write should have any impact on the positive outcomes of this particular article, I’m simply trying to inform and warn people about the danger’s of Autism Speaks…
I’m not personally affected (in terms of myself or any loved ones or close friends) by autism, but I’ve seen plenty of people on my social media that are affected by it, that have nothing but bad things to say about Autism Speaks. Some going as far to call it a hate group. The gist of it seems to be that it’s created…
PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT AUTISM SPEAKS. Many autistic folks consider them a hate group, and there are much better groups out there. My personal favorite is ASAN, the Autism Self Advocacy Network. Please check them out.
I’m aware. That’s why I said I was thinking about it. And while you’re not entirely wrong about the outcome, I’d say it’s more a distinction without a difference — you’ll have China on one side and the US on the other, crushing the rest of the world between them. At least until they nuke each other....
Representative Gaetz was not available for further comment, as he was visiting a local high school to look for “interns”.
The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat. Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on…
My theory is Megs is a hopeless gambling addict and every time she loses her stylist gets to go hog wild and then she has to go on TV like that.
JesusfuckingCHRIST, will you ever be done with these people? You’re dredging up shit from a thousand years ago just for clicks? What the hell is wrong with you?
he should’ve finished his meal instead of marrying it.
I would never go so far as to say she believes in this crap, because if she did, she would actually campaign like a person of influence.
She’s an updated Stacy Dash, she loves being in that pocket...right until they cut their contract, and she starts apologizing because she never believed in it.
I’m Black, born in the UK to a white English woman and a Black American dad.
I was hoping for some pictures of these foods you are describing.
Not really, unless you want a lot of groups going after synagogues for that “supremacism” slander on the covenant (and for escorting Christians pretending to be Jewish out) and Sharpton’s church and the NOI for antisemitism.
Given the tax advantages and broad protection to do bullshit EXACTLY like this... it’s hard to imagine they haven’t filed to be recognized as a religion. That scam has worked out pretty well for Scientology!