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All the kids are out of control, and this one has serious problems. These parents are waayyy too permisive.

I thought it was he wanted his cleverness and resourcefulness appreciated. Maybe he is on the spectrum and hasn't been diagnosed despite his age.

Jesus, both of them basically let them jump up and down in that other booth, and this one is so morose. The two littlest ones would not be so obnoxious if they were told not to bust into mommy and daddy's bedroom all the time. I would keep that door locked.

So far they make me feel annoyance, and homicidal urges I never knew I had.

The little ones aren't any better in this case.

Those kids are out of control assholes.

It was a good week, and an especially good Sunday. Premiere of TWG, and best episode possibly ever of TGW, and The Knick.

Agreed. Thinking best cast of an old show is TGW.

Another meta was when she asked him to guess what her favorite book was, and he said Anna Karenina, and Ruth Wilson starred in the film. Reminded me of The Good wife with Joe Weisberg on and Alicia not wanting spoilers or something.

Carrie (or anyone else who knows): Is this a ten episode miniseries or a mult season series? It sounds like there's room for a couple of years of action, but can't see it as a 5 season show.

Kid to Me instead of Noah: which one would you cast off if you had to save the rest. Answer, ideally all four. I would shoot every one of those annoying, misbehaved, sex interrupting brats! I knew Gen X parents could be horrible, but….

I'd add The Good Wife as being right up there too, especially if you saw Sunday's super duper A rated episode by Sonia, who is sadly leaving for Salon. Oh, as an aside on our Ebola topic, I watched Contagion yesterday. Very cool, and some of the music is eerily similar to the cocaine high tech music on The Knick.

I think clive definitely deserves an Emmy nomination.

I have never tried, but heard it is great.

We all need to make the effort to hit Salon to read the reviews, and keep the comment action up. What other shows will you be reviewing weekly?

I say that every week. It is sooo funny, especially knowing the reality of the legal system that the show very accurately portrays. Weirdo judge of the week is always a crack up.

Sonia, sorry to see you go, but will be participating over there. Don't let Joan Walsh be a bad influencec:)

And those cops are pure scum, and so is the DA - in real life and on the show.

I was like in a rush the whole time, I was like this episode is fucking amazing. Knew it deserved A or A+. Margulies was so right to chide the Emmys for not recognizing the Kings'writing.

And Charlie's attempt at an American accent seems to be getting worse and worse. He could not pronounce a flat A the entire episode. As a Cali native myself I find it quite distracting.