ExPat ExLawyer

Bottom line is that most in the public want a love interest sub plot in every show. He's very hot, psychologically scarred and does a very good job at an American accent. Ummm, unlike some people we know. CHARLIE!!!

Well put post on all fronts.

Well, people are making a name for themselves. Sonia is a perceptive writer and critic so good on her. There will be more talent I hope coming up the pipeline. This was a great episode. And whatabout The Good Wife? How good was that show tonight?

And stay away from Joan Walsh. She's a bad influence. Thanks for all the reviews. This is a very smart one here.

Sonia. You mentioned women "get to" (i.e. are allowed to by their masters) "take the veil" in many ways. Does this include not taking the veil at all? Why would you leave that out and just focus on the myriad colors this dress can take?

I thought I was watching SOA with that attempted infanticide.

Oye, Sonia. Please try to write one review of any show without using the word privilege.

It's a lot better if you view SOA as a comedy and not a drama:)

Those cops were on loan from Ferguson.

Your parents must have wanted a BLACK baby. LOL.

Too funny how this comment goes with your name so much.:)

Sounds good.

Hadn't though of that before you mentioned it. But you're right.

Doubt Charlie Hummel would be able to pull that one off.


Not thrilled with the hair either, but the sweater and shorts I thought was a crack up.

I've heard most academy training is much shorter than that. That's why we wind up with the Fergusons of the world. GED and I've heard 10 weeks of training, but that all varies by department. Hamptons training is probably a bit different than average :)

Great idea! Keep passing it around everybody.

I saw no legal basis why Bishop could not be told who the snitch was.

What was with Robin's weird blue and white sweater?