ExPat ExLawyer

Valerie Jarrett saying she doesn't like people who are political. LOL!

And this ultrasound issue will be used by the RWNJ's to support their draconian ultrasound laws in a few but growing number of states. "See, even a left wing show set in Berkeley shows what an impact an ultrasound can have." Think how many unborn children that can save.

I think Monica said they'd been working on the school construction for 8 months.

He's a person - a very young one. And the extent they coddle him almost without any sane limits, confirms Berkeley's reputation. And it was certainly implicit for such a smart boy that the plan all along that he was to go. He never pbjected until the last minute.

She has a thing for tv hubbies named Hank.

They do. Monica sounds like she's from the east or midwest. Bonnie Bedelia sounds NY, but we can pretend she's not a native. Craig T. can pass, and so can Amber, [edit] and so can Julia, who is from Oregon in real life. Haddie and Sarah both sound sketchy, but not too bad

Dialect coach, dialect coach, dialect coach. Please. Or, it seems like the creator doesn't give a fuck and just lets everyone talk in their normal accents. FNL was weak in that department too.

Damages has more narrative drive than Shonda's shows.

Don't forget, Looking

You didn't like Enough Said? I don't need characters to be that likable to enjoy a show. Never had, never understood the need to "root" for a character the way Mo Ryan always talks about.

Just google, watch damages. You will find it.

Show ripped off a lot from Legally Blonde's fake prof with a law firm employing students solving murders. They both even have sexual harassment!

So you don't watch Scandal?

That was a real funny, self-conscious wink at the audience.

He looked bit underdressed for the quncinera. I agree with you also about Eleanor.

I thought CIA's motive is that some of the drug money involves foreign terrorists and they want to keep those connections open to track them down and bust the highest level.participatts as they can.

I think the realistic gore and the off-beatness of it may be a turn off to some viewers. I Iove it - especially the direction.

They had the vibes from the first or second episode in my opinion.

I felt deceived at the end that it wasn't the transformational show it started out as, and as you said, petered out on the tropes. And the ending wasn't just a disappointment, but a violation of what the show was supposed to be about.

Good Wife is definititely hipper and edgier. Tea's character is supposed to be completely unpolitical, with no ambitions to run for higher office. So other than the fact that Hill is also a woman, I don't see much of what they have in common.