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I put it in guilty pleasure category. The parts that are absurd, I treat as comedy and it works out pretty well. Every time Jimmy Smits calls Gemma, Mama, I almost spit my wine out.

You need to suspend disbelief just to deal with that horrible accent.

It looked way darker than when we saw him campaigning for the failed Scottish independence vote.

Sonia: Cary is in jail, not in prison. Just as bad if not worse, but please be accurate.

Fantastic opening episode. Best true network show on the air.

I think the 12 step programs have not evolved over time at all. Even the ironically titled little tome The Big Book won't change pronouns to include females, yet Evangelical Christian bibles have done so. And this waste of time with 15 minutes of ceremonial readings and rituals is ridiculous - especially in small

So she is a lesbian? Totally cool, just wanted to clarify.

Sums it up well. The disregard of all other psychological problems was the worst part for me, I saw them encourage members to go off their antidepressants, while claiming they don't give medical advice. They will chant about how maybe someday their will be a scientific cure, but there isn't one yet. They will be

I think the result is 5 percent, and is quantified as a year-long sobriety rate. That is the same success rate for one-year for people who quit on their own with no program whatsoever. Not real impressive. It is not scientific and it can be a cult. When people are going to five meetings a week for 35 years, that

Glad to see more and more people and shows and movies recognizing that a program that has not acknowledged that in 75 years there have been some scientific breakthroughs in treating addiction,merits some serious taking out. More recognition needs to come, because they are still bankrolled by the legal-industrial

Where is that dry English sense of humor?

As to Bo Rhap, seems that Kurt ran out of money big time on that one. I was laughing the whole time.

It is horrible, and reflects a show runner who doesn't seem to give a shit and an actor who is getting worse instead of better on a task many other brits seem to have clued into.

They say it's harder to learn a foreign language as you get older, and Charlie's horrible distracting accent is proof of this.

I'm still waiting for the portraits of teen Jonah from Veep.

It is the Navy, not the Marines.

Marines was a strange translation, as in Mexico it is translated as the Navy. They also used "eat shit" a couple of weeks ago, which is not a commonly used expression at all. They just took the two english words and literally translated them to come mierda. Vete a la chingada would be much more common.

Good points. I like your version much more than what I see shaping up for a second season.

But this was what we were lead to believe would happen from the get go. I was wondering by the time we hit ep 4 that nothing had happened. Way too slow for melodrama.

Good points about the coup in action, Zoe. It was building to this and let us down.