ExPat ExLawyer

Reality competition shows are in a whole different category. The best ones, including those you mention, are not just about people hanging out acting weird. They are acting weird with a purpose!

Agreed. I read that Barack Obama includes one of them in his prolific telly viewing schedule. I tried watching one of them, Miami I think. I lasted maybe three minutes. This show is quite funny though.

Even jack was a Canadian!

Government works that way at all levels. State, local, big city and small towns, not just the CIA.

Trusting almost anyone in the DEA is a big mistake.

Yeah, she is quite the fascinating villain.

The errors in this article are insulting to all the readers who collectively have to spend so much time figuring out what the hell she is saying. I cannot believe she doesn't do post publication proofing.

Good Times!

I saw the same thing.

I am surprised the thematic aspect of faith, spirituality or whatever was not more stressed in the review. It was pretty dominant, almost to the point of heavy handedness. And I say almost, because it was not cliched. It seems to portend some more strange stuff for future episodes with mysterious characters.

It was only 39 minutes without ads.

And the legitimate front is the manufacture, or elaboracion, of cheese, notably Jack Cheese, though it doesn't compare with the Monterrey, CA of the USA variety.

Please proofread and fix the article's many typos and words left over from edits. It is at the point of severe incoherence.

Well, that's good. The reviews have been fun and I wish you could continue them. This show had so much potential, but the plot has now advanced enough that the suspense of how Barry will take over is keeping me watching.

Where is Todd?

I think he is in the sense that in his own universe, he "finds reasons for doing what he does that we tend to find objectionable" to use your quote in the singular.

Sorry Dennis! I guess I confused you with Meredith, and her use of Privilege every other sentence. Sorry. I'm a girl commenter by the way, Thanks for replying.

Andy, I mentioned I guess last week when Dennis was going on with this about UAE being a possible exception (to my embarassment I had forgotten about Kuwait). But then you still have all of the other countries in the Arab region. It may not be monolithic, but it is pretty close. Look at the PEW studies.

Yes, as between each group, they have their own internecine strife. My point was the Islamists generally want Islamic theocracies to take over everywhere. Their internal squabbles are important for strategic issues in diplomacy, but probably not that interesting for a tv show.

That would be cool. If show she does such a great job playing dumb and naive as her cover, she could do a stint on The Americans!