ExPat ExLawyer

They do certainly have a lot of material to work with, that's for sure. I just hope they can get the execution down a lot better.

Racist is a term thrown around loosely that obfuscates a lot more than it clarifies too. They do have reasons in their own mind. The despots want their power and vast wealth they feel they are entitled to. The theocrats are power hungry and delusional.

How much is there to know? To have all that money they must have oil, as that is pretty much all that is exported. The opposition consists of Islamist extremists (note I did not say Islamic) with the usual agenda, which clearly doesn't include women's rights and by extension gay rights.

The reviewer blatantly accuses a swath of her readers and viewers the show of being racist, without elaborating as to why. If she thinks conceptions of Arab regimes as dictatorships with rebel elements with large percentages of terrorist among those rebels are unfairly stereotypical, please provide real world counter

Too much of the puto Larry in this episode when he screams too much.

I thoght it stramge that the store would have the perfume sampling at the check out line instead of in the main part of the store.

Right, the mail fraud. Reading the reviews late as I binged the series when it came out:

Although the car bomb charge is the only basis for her being charged federally. Stalking is not a federal offense.

Yoga was busted for pot growing. Had she not been gorwing pot, nothing would have happened to her for the accidental killing of a trespassing kid she thought was a deer, she would never be in priso. She is in medium security just like a dui driver would be who had a fatal accident.

They do have the resources, they are just lazy. But you are right, they don't fingerprint.

Yes, it's a film that really stays with you. She was also great as an actress in the Sweet Hereafter.

More likely one or a combo of his writing staff.

I had a doctor who studied in Spain. She told me pot was super dangerous and frequently caused schizophrenia, and this was backed up by a Spanish study. Since then, I don't put much credence in Spanish scientific studies.