Expat Camelia

This is very timely.

The baby one is so scary! I love when commenters link to real news stories.

10/10, would watch that movie. Would especially watch if it was about, like, the Dr. Moreau of inanimate objects.

omg “sweet smelly fatty fats” is so funny but painfully accurate and now i feel like the ghosts of all of my labs are waiting for me outside of my bedroom door. “Please let us in, we just want to fart on you one more time.”

My sweet labs lived to 15. They were such sweet smelly fatty fats.

Let’s talk about our sweet pups who have passed!

I spend a lot of time telling my dogs they have to live to be at AT LEAST 35. We can negotiate from there, but 35 is a hard and fast minimum.

My dog is going to live forever and ever and ever and ever

The whole thing and then out of nowhere, “Buy a spinning wheel.” I’m fucking dying!

Take the money, split it with the Good Sister and figure out how much you can get for your firstborn. Or at least how much you can get to name Bad Sister the godmother. Buy a spinning wheel.

“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an

While obviously it’s in our nature to make snap judgements about people, things like this are just so sickening to me. Looking at someone’s car, ring, watch, whatever may tell you something about their life, but that something very well could be - nay, likely is - wrong.

fun fact:

She wasn’t a child bride. She was little girl who was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. Not a bride. Rape victim.

Call me crazy, but calling it ‘worse’ as if there are variables when you’re kidnapped as a child bride by a lunatic won’t change my mind about porn.


So many things wrong with this argument. First of all, what is “normal women”? Given that they’re not testing for elevated testosterone unless you’re flagged (likely by winning), there’s no evidence that anyone on the field has less than elevated testosterone. And since hormone levels exist along a range in all women

They’d check how much of it was bound to her receptors, screen her for known mutations in those same receptors, weigh the hoarseness of her voice, rate the development of her pubic hair and breasts, evaluate her muscles, size her labia, palpate her vagina, and measure her anogenital distance. In other words, they’d

She can have as many boyfriends as she wants at the same time .