
I had a HTC Evo that started its life working without a hitch and slowly I started receiving all sorts of random errors, including but not limited to my text messages randomly being wiped clean, virtual keyboard not accepting any input, distorted pictures being taken, and being unable to send MMS messages sometimes.

Not my Android phone, it crashes more than Windows 98. After three hard resets, I'm thinking I need to get it repaired.

I remember when the two rovers landed many years ago now. It's hard to imagine that they would last as long as they have. Spirit, keep on rockin in the free world.

Can I relocate my retardedly large winsxs folder?

Officer, I thought she was 18, not 11! Did you see her profile pic!?

"and most rewarding one—is that you enjoy the sight and sound of them."

@Firesphere: I went through that one time. I was on acne medication that caused me to burn much quicker. Being a teen at the time I thought the "burn twice as quick" speech was bs, but I found out the hard way. I must say those few days after getting the sun burn were the worst days of my life as far as pain goes. I


Boy you got a Purdy mouth.

That guy really needs to get laid... (Kipkay)

GParted takes forever to find my disks. Maybe it's just my laptop, but it takes like 3 minutes to poke and prod. Anyone else experience this?

Damn dude, you're a f'n genius!

Nice haircut...

Recap of what this guy had to say: blah blah blah blah blah.

I've been doing this for years, and even in IE the .com trick works.

@Pixel: Yeah I know, I just like to bring a little bit of jerk to the table. Who else is everyone going to hate?

@Godz: Bush voter?

@Ray Wert Jr: I take it you drive a POS American car. My bad.

Note: It only works on American cars.

I keep all of our serial numbers in a text file called [serials.txt] and put it in our sitemap so bots can find it for easy searching.