
This is the list I would like to read. Pokemon, least appetizing to most appetizing.

Feast your eyes on the King of carp, Magikarp!

um no we used pokemon science to determine this list

Oh thank God!

Hahahhahahahhaahhaha, thanks for that.

Great for the game, but I’m surprised no one got it. Even having never heard of the game, “FTL” is a common abbreviation for “faster than light” and they give you clues of “hyperspace” and “jump from star to star.

That’s how couples talk. I’ve seen it. In fact, I’m watching my sister beat around the bush as she’s trying to get a friend she knows to understand she’s feeling ignored. So, yes, that’s how people talk.

It’s a tug of war. Both are trying to show how relevant whatever they are doing/planning is while at the same time trying to not discredit the worthiness of what the other is doing.

Because millions will die if she doesn’t have dinner with the headhunter.

Not to be misogynistic, but,
Bitch, please.

It’s not a trope. Believe me.

I have slain dragons while sporting a raging boner. Doesn’t get any more manlier than that.


Schlongs of Skyrim was the best mod I installed for Skyrim. I have equal opportunity nudity for my modding, so no nudity in Fo4 until I’m satisfied with the quality of both genders.

It took me a couple times to see that first kill.

“B-Man’s Bathole”

I think they’re on the paper-thin side, including Billy and Teddy (Ewing is improving this, and boy is he doing something with Mr. Totally Not Possessed By Cthulhu), and Northstar and Daken are their better out characters compared to the teens, including the girls— Carolina? Katie? America’s okay. Both of them aren’t

I haven’t played since cataclysm for maybe like 3 days, but I think you just are having nostalgia. I know you said that already but really the ‘MMO’ is sort of a thing that any gamer has to go through. I have strong memories of EQ, DAOC, and WOW, and they were really relaxing, fun times, had in all of them. My EQ

Your complaints are all over the map.