
So, basically it tells the game which controller is player 1 based on who hits start?

Wow, the author seems really bitter about us young’ins not marching blindly forward towards a lifelong commitment to a monotonous monogamous marriage.

I feel like if race were an actual issue for you, she wouldn’t have been your girlfriend in the first place ha ha. Which ethnicity is she if you don’t mind me asking?

Just flipping a switch on sexuality works fine for me. I know there’s gays out there who focus their entire identity around their homosexuality, but I’d rather romance regular ass dudes who want....A dude in their ass.

“I’ve seen some players say that they’re simply more attracted to characters who look a certain way, whether that means they’re black, white, Native American, or any number of other backgrounds.”

I was gonna say the same thing, just for Arcanine.

Maybe this portion of the NX is leaking because there’s internal conflict over buttons and the pro-button side wants internet outcry to aid their argument.

Gotta ps4? Wanna share play it sometime?

I’m jealous you’re able to get people to play Spelunky with you. I have a lot of gaming friends and everyone wusses out on Spelunky past their first pass at it.

“We really don’t want people to believe this rumor,”

Your ads are really broken lately and have been obscuring posts.

I was enjoying reading this article till an ad blocked a paragraph of it. I could have probably copy/pasted the text, but that’s kind of ridiculous.

Have the advertisements here been really obnoxious/glitched for anyone else lately?

I work night shift and lose an hour of pay/work.

“amassed a fairly lineup stable of good games.”

I thought the contrasting between Namor and T’Challa was well written up until Namor is the only one with enough sense to go through with it, especially since they built up how important it is for Panther to protect his people.

“US Only. Email Delivery”

“US Only. Email Delivery”

I had so much more fun with Diablo 2 back in the day over the sequel. This makes me want to try to install it on my w10 (ha, I preferred the windows I was running it on back then too)

It’s too bad he can’t thrive on and channel the positive reception his unexpected success brought about. He should hit the internet while he’s hot and release 4 bear simulators in 2016 then bail when the complex lore becomes so convoluted it defies explanation.

Too late to edit. Been pointed out to me that I'm an idiot who didn't read the full article. I didn't realize that it's a memorial cow level, very cool of them to do.