
“You should really check out Neverwinter and play with me. It’s completely free and you can download the game using my link below”

I feel like Pikachu is someone who would just make things awkward by hearing them speak.

You just explained why Namor is awesome dude!

The Vita is honestly the perfect handheld for me.

Hmmm, I’m definitely gonna have to try that, thanks chum!

I would also love to see them do something new, but with SS doing so well critically and commercially paired with the nature of game development (it should be a lot easier to make a new one now that SS gave them that framework) it makes more sense to do a sequel.

I like fries less than practically everyone I know, but I would kill to try these. Like you mentioned chocolate/salt are a great mix.

Probably making Second Son’s sequel, imma guess we get an announcement at e3.

Same with prepatch Mortal Kombat X. The only mode I could play while waiting for that update was versus, no story, ladders or nothing else.

Sooo.... How bout ya delay it till June in that case Capcom?

Why’s that dude wearing Cruella De’Vills lipstick?

I remember loving MSN as a teenager. There was a huge novelty to chatting online back then, and the MSN program got cooler with every update.

Sexy slumber party pics please. Bromantic pillow fight would be a plus.

That’s hysterical. FCC guys are jacking off to Hannibal all like “Who the fuck put a butt crack in here? Get NBC on the phone, this filth just killed my God damn erection! “

You’re basically describing why I find this scenario hilarious.

It’s nice to see a health club company branch out to the strange uncharted waters of game development.

Today I learned boy bands are a lifelong commitment in Japan.

I’m not sure.... How many ‘Florida Man’ do you know? Are you one? What have you made the headlines for you loony bastard? :-P

I’m not sure.... How many ‘Florida Man’ do you know? Are you one? What have you made the headlines for you loony

Vaping is just the best though. I think it’s a newer technology, yet it’s oddly fitting seeing an elf vape.

My explanation for your name is simpler. Drunk people you tell that story to will think you’re from Florida and that’s even worse :-P

My explanation for your name is simpler. Drunk people you tell that story to will think you’re from Florida and