Very balanced take on the matter.
Very balanced take on the matter.
Are you saying messages are all public posts like posting on someone’s wall? Or are you just saying it’s a very exhausting process? I’ve fortunately never had the need to do that,
....You can message people on there? I thought miiverse was just somewhere for children to cry about how hard every Mario level is when they’re not busy making ground breaking art XD
I like your sentiment, but I don’t fully agree with it. If they addressed everything at once, then you’d have a point, but we should still be harping on them for where they’re way behind. It’s the most productive thing we can do for them as consumers and fans.
I think my point is pretty obvious. Also the new consoles update when you’re not using them. I’ve got a ps4 and a Wii u, ignoring Nintendo’s huge pitfalls doesn’t do yourself any good as a consumer, don’t you want your system to have these basic features? If Nintendo’s most loyal fans are willing to go into attack dog…
Has voice chat during character selection, but not gameplay.
Does this mean we now get to retain ownership over content we purchase? Gee golly the future sure is amazing, what’s next voice chat DURING online gameplay? Nah, I’m getting ahead of myself, that’s just straight up science fiction tech.
I know graphics aren’t everything, but I feel like this would really add to the experience. I remember how much more enjoyable playing the ps4 version is over the ps3 and I presume it would be a similar situation.
This is what headcanon is for. I heard nothing today.
Game freak is the only company actively making their characters less sexy.
This post sorta seems like an invitation to start assaulting children to prove your own physical self worth.
Wait, so just to clarify, Pikachu is generally addressed as male right? I haven’t watched since original season-orange Islands as a kid, but I think I remember Ash referring to Pikachu as “buddy” which is a term generally used towards males.
We’re all thinking about (killing) the children.
Oh god I so badly want to stir up a couple good dips and zone out on the couch with this bad boy. Must resist urge to become McFat.....
Gamers get a lot of flack for being rancid angry and unreasonable trolls, but, to their/our credit you’re not going to see a big group of entitled gamers boycotting LoL for waging cyber war on Christmas for their aptly named “Snow Day”
GUYS, that muscular infernal fire demon thing has a skull face for a torso!!! I am so out of the loop, can it talk? Does it think? Eat? Suck giant peckers protruding from other characters chests?! So many questions.
Damn you make for a slick jughead son!
Was he sick or something?
I remember when I was a teenager with too little self esteem to wear anything but solid colors. I remember being afraid people would think I’m into myself if my shirts had a cool design I liked. I wouldn’t say I have much for a sense of style now a days, but I am fond of my Walmart shirts I’ve picked out overtime...…