the best kind, that allows to see the truth and reject BS , unlike you who apparently received the type of parenting that makes you insult strangers on the internet ...
the best kind, that allows to see the truth and reject BS , unlike you who apparently received the type of parenting that makes you insult strangers on the internet ...
that’s only your gut feeling . it’s not a fact . maybe these men are genuinely scared . not all working women are angels . there are those who would use sexual harrassment to their advantage ... and that’s not my gut feelings .
that’s only your gut feeling . it’s not a fact . maybe these men are genuinely scared . not all working women are angels . there are those who would use sexual harrassment to their advantage ... and that’s not my gut feelings .
tap water ? seriously ? then why aren’t all black teens who drink it violent ? in my opinion , it’s the education they receive that turns them violent . poverty , greed , lack of bouderies , ect . to me it’s the logical explanation . Because when you see young men who come from the ghetto well educated , intelligent…
lol i really dislike both songs ...feels great to not pick a side :)
The movie was manure, we’ll agree on that . Having JLaw as the main actress didn’t help either.