

@finding remo21: Yeah, I feel the same. I use tabs on the side and would hate for Fx to become a chrome clone.

@Bryan Price: wh.... what? So because you have to install one piece of software it's a fail, and you get around it by writing a script that you have to transfer to your computer and set up to run ... every time you reinstall your OS.

@seth4u: Well, since when you install a new firefox it grabs all of your old Fx info and dumps it into the new install, I don't think that matters.

@finding remo21: The toolbars are not universal, though. The video at the link explains the decision very well.

@Nxqd3051990: I'm sorry, but what can you do in the chrome omnibar that the firefox awesome bar cannot?

@Bryan Price: Well, you can always just use the free utility from dyndns.org on your computer, which will automatically update the IP address when it changes, for those of you without a command-line library or a router capable of this (all d-links since forever are, and most linksys and others support dd-wrt or tomato

@kylecpcs: You don't need the BES for built in push, that's what the BIS is for.

@FalconFour: Well, removing the page file is different than putting it in RAMdisk, which is what I said was pointless.

@onyxorca: I dunno about chrome, but the 10.1 final runs pretty well for me with firefox on lucid 64-bit. Granted, I no longer use hulu and try to avoid flash is I can (FlashBlock a must!) but when I need it it works just fine.

@FalconFour: Ummmm, the page file is written to when you run out of real RAM. Keeping you r page file in RAM then would be kind of pointless, wouldn't it? They are talking about moving the temp files into a RAMdisk.

@exoren22: And where did my post go?! Are posts disappearing again?

@mrsilver: Try to find DreamScene videos. They were designed for exactly this purpose, in those Vista days before slideshow backgrounds found in 7.

I guess that tool that won the Disrupt Cup would fit this well. Soluto! Except their servers suck.

VOTE: Hiren's BootCD

@Hamsteaks: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... bacon.

@virgilstar: It is a new plugin, but I have to say, even before the upgrade (which includes other neat features like two rows of movies instead of the one) I had never had a problem with it. Other than being SD only, that is ;)