
@MasterChi!?!: Clearly you didn't RTFA. XP was a totally different process that didn't really work. The 7 and Vista versions will do a much better job at removing the virus for the reasons stated above.

@Darren W.: Yeah, something tells me I am not going to attempt the remote start on my car.

I'm totally building an igloo on Wednesday!

@Johann Schmidt: If you read the line under the heading it states that 7.9 is the highest score for any of the parts. They go from 1.0 to 7.9. It is entirely within the realm of possibility to get a perfect score on the rating, and as newer, faster hardware comes out they will increase the ceiling accordingly.

@FrankenPC: Butter knifes are just as effective with most cars, but you need to be mindful of the gaskets on the windows and doors.

@dexter_greycells: If you use HTML excape codes they will work. Also, what's a kgs?

@bobbo33: Eh, hondas are extremely easy to get into with a butter knife and a hand-bent hangar. I've locked myself out of my car enough that I can get it open in about 4 minutes in daylight. (College can be rough).

@jpearls: Heh. But I was referring to the fact that my car needs the clutch depressed to start.

Can I get one that automatically depresses my clutch?

For sheer ease of finding just what I'm looking for, and (at least in the old days) for a huge number of users on those torrents, I give the nod to TPB. I do like Demonoid and EZTV, though. It is usually Google filetype:torrent for me these days.

@BigGreenMonster: The best part about that is the first two links are actually to lifehacker.com.

@rdunseith: I would like to humbly request an invite.

@dokidok: Well, I do agree somewhat, but I will say that without a doubt Windows 7 is MUCH more productive than XP.

@Nathan Obbards: It's funny and all, but just think about what would happen if someone actually walked down the street and tried to act all ghetto while blaring Terry gross.

Dude, vertical tabs. Horizontal tabs are so passé.

I would totally break my anti-Apple rule to buy that.

@gavaletz: You must be the guy that keeps Monster in business.