

@burnblue: But at least you can turn it off. Threading is useful sometimes, but the gmail implementation is nothing short of frustrating.

@OneEyedOdin: Are those "few weird kids" actually lefties?

I saw this and immediately freaked out, "NOOO My awesome nerf gun has been recalled!!"

@Riff-Raff: Well, I've never had a virus with Avast, and it works exceedingly well on 64bit platform, something AVG has always struggled with for me, and I actually like the "Your Virus Database has been updated." voice.

@iamellis: It's actually a quantum effect. I can't believe no one has said it yet. What happens is that light can be in any number of locations, but the "probability" of it being in a certain area is higher than another. When the sizes of the pixels are large, then you can be pretty confident that the photon will end

@Eruanno: Wha... that's because you had it set to notify you and ask you what to do when it found something. Blaming a program for you not setting it up correctly is not entirely fair, if you ask me.

@MightyPez: I dunno, I found the voices comforting.

@malbec: Avast! but I have moved onto MSE because it's so windows-y.

@Riff-Raff: You left avast... for AVG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!???!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!

Also, if your first loop is "wrong" (lefites out there, I'm talking to you) just make the second looop an underhand loop and you should get the same result. I figured this out about 6 months ago and after 18 years of untied shoes I can finally look like I have the intelligence of a six year old.

@alalexex: Well, that's a gotcha sometimes, as you need at least Win 7 Pro to activate the hosting side of it. But the netbook can be almost anything and it'll be able to log in.

I question using a company that will sellany data about anyone to the highest bidder as a "secure" way to use the 'net. If you carry two USB keys, why not use one as the unlock key for the other via e.g. truecrypt? This post has good intentions, but to me it's a bit like airport security; it makes you feel much safer

@curtis07: Wow, so do I. That has nothing to do with what I said.

@Al Iguana: So they're purposely degrading quality for all except those who pirate the material... wow.

@trickflip1: But kudos for him! He also got it injected with fat to make it fatter when aroused (yep, gotta love Howard as well).

@jblackhall: Well, c'mon, who installs Ubuntu and doesn't install VLC?

@notlikeacat: I wouldn't want to do anything around farm girls.