
Those super strength wire ties are good, and I use the ones that are all over the Dell stuff we buy at work to corral all the wires running around.

@jupiterthunder: What happened to those dollar theaters? They would be screening Iron Man for about $3 right about now.

@Zinger314: I have to disagree, but I use LyX.

@Realityflaw: Find an unlimited plan without that language. I dare you.

@ukgreg: Significantly less than a new mac, obviously.

@orbitbreak: It says Iced Tea, not sweet tea. If it isn't sweetened it'll be fine.

@Chris Lamb: I live in one of those families, too.

When will the terrorists learn that binary explosives don't work on a plane? I'm hoping never.

@Thanatos: You need cable for House?

@Prairie Moon: That's what is great about firefox. You can make it whatever you want. The default is just a suggestion.


@allinthefamily: No, this is LifeHacker, not Gizmodo. Apple is fallible over here.

@Wesley Ferwerda: Yes, but I can have two 1920x1200 screens or four 1280x1024 screens. The two can be run from one card, while the four cannot. Surely you realised this.

@CowboyBob: I'm having a really hard time understanding how your comment is actually in reply to what I said.

Larger. Fewer graphics cards required.

@monkeyesq: You are actually using MORE CPU, memory, and most importantly, bandwidth, when you don't block ads.

@nitrous9200: It doesn't fit any multiples of standard TV signals.