
I help my brother out with his kids on Halloween, in a decidedly mid-low income neighborhood. Carloads of kids show up from other neighborhoods, and they are lots of fun and I love seeing their cute costumes. The only thing that bugs me is that parents will drive them between individual houses (for example, if the

I have (nearly) this experience when I eat out with my brother and his three kids — he has taken them to restaurants all their lives. The older ones order promptly and carefully specify changes up front, eat what they get, and are quiet. (The youngest is only five so he's still in training.) Recently I ate out alone

I always used to check what my parents were tipping and use the "go back" or "last out" routines to make sure there was at least 20% on the table. My mother grew up very poor and it made her extra, extra frugal. Nowadays, I have one particular friend I must eat out with from time to time who has autism spectrum

Other book conservationists will tell you the opposite - that unvarnished well dried hardwood is the best thing for books (the type of wood does matter). I'm a rare book collector, my shelves are all unvarnished oak. There are many more immediate threats to a book collection: damp, insects, not being shelved properly

"According to Healthspan, women's leading grumpy "triggers" are worrying about weight, money, weather and attention from their partners."

I understand that, but what I miss is my mother hugging me (nearly 2 years since she passed). Not strangers.

I'm so extremely sorry for you.

I'm with you, I loathe being touched.

And...they're evil.

Hey, I've also been playing since Pong! I've noticed that I'm not twitchy enough anymore - my nephews run circles around me. I love gaming, but I got so upset about a grind that ended badly the other day that I decided to take a temporary break. (At least until the next borderlands come out, my brother & nephews

Blame it on the ancient lizard part of your brain. It doesn't know from real. And humans spent most of their existence on the planet in a hunted or hunting, kill or be killed scenario!