
This has more plot than the original Destiny storyline.

Forget about the mysterious pad. Who the hell plays this far away from their TV??

Just out of curiosity- what did they do with N64? I recall the RAM pack, which was an optional add-on that made a very small fraction of games run better. The main ones I can NEEDING it were DK64, Starcraft (for Brood War), Perfect Dark, and Majora's Mask. Anything else that had support just upped the resolution of

Just be a late adopter to the new one. No shame in that.

How did you feel about DSi then? But yeah, I can emphasize with you. Nintendo did a dick move once again. Same shit going since N64, but keeps getting worse.

They don't. It's clickbait.

Nasty, unbelievable things happen every day here in Japan, just like any other country. But immolation is not something that happens often. So it was a bit unusual. What really should be discussed here is why nobody tried to stop a man standing on a walkway and shout into a megaphone for an HOUR. No, let's just watch

I can't be the only one who think that the original pic on the left is the most attractive of all the pics....

Oh look, the real Bumblebee—not just as a Bug again but as a discernible character with an actual face, as well!

Volkswagon, who did not want to associate itself with a 'war toy' franchise, appears to have changed its mind recently after seeing other European companies like Ferrari and Mercedes have cars featured in recent Transformers movies. 7 years after refusing to let Hasbro and Takara make toys that officially transform

The Burj Al-Khalifa in Dubai calls itself the only 7 star hotel in the world, though I don't know if that is official. This Chinese hotel though, appears to be literally named "7 Star Hotel" which is pretty sneaky.

Curious if the ROM will get/has been dumped. It's not a game anyone is going to want to emulate just to avoid paying for it (they can't, given the rarity of the board) but it's definitely the sort of thing emulation helps preserve past the likely lifespan of the hardware involved.

It's not really nitpicking to expect that people who get paid to write for a living should proofread their work before posting. Nitpicking MY sentence structure and spelling would be pedantic, but nitpicking the work of a professional is called "critique". Back in the day, they used to have editors and such. Now,

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This brazilian girl did the experiment and went beyond (after 7 min. mark )

Rated R for really kid friendly!

This thing quickly made me realize that Robocop wasn't a kid friendly flick.

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I see your Neil Patrick Harris, and raise you with some random science person.