
So, they’re saying all this stuff is CORRECT?

Yeah, but are we just talking screen time, or the characters being actually, you know, great? Windu and Lando were actually interesting characters, and Lando in particular was seriously memorable. Finn on the other hand? He’s a vehicle for the film’s jokes, and a former Stormtrooper traumatized by the experience of

I think Windu spoke just as much as Yoda did in the prequels. He even almost killed Palpatine.

Lucas suffers from clinical depression, and pretty much swore off directing for over two decades after the miserable experience he had making Star Wars. Let’s maybe have a little sympathy for that instead of calling him lazy?

I am one body who did like the space politics.

I liked them.

Ha ha ha, have you seen some of the Star Wars message boards lately? (Yes, I’m a masochist.) Some of the fanboys who absolutely hated The Force Awakens are now saying the prequels are original and oh-so-much better than TFA. It’s hilarious.

For movies that “nobody liked” they sure made a ton of money.

Ever hear of the 3DS? With that fancy no glasses 3D? Sharp builds that display. Amongst a crapload of other stuff.

Exactly. And we didn’t need no stinkin’ Internet to tell us how to do it either. We just figured it out.

what the fuck?

Considering how coherent he is towards the end of the video, my guess is he wasn’t on anything. I think he's just a dick, and the look you see is the realization that he messed up big. The biker really did handle it well though.

Cmon, that shit had to be staged for maximum hilarity. NOBODY is that fucking retarded.

Man fuck your being a cynic, they’re making another Punch-out.

Yeah, this article should maybe be more about the wonders of Japanese telephoto lenses.

Imprisonment for life, regardless of age, should be the result of this. It's an act of terrorism.

I hate all these fan theories about this crap. It's basically fan fiction, in that it's uninteresting to me and everyone in every possible way.

$50 says this prevents the firmware flashing method that's been around for 5+ years