
Because the rest were throwing from a mob and he made a point of stepping in front of the parade and waving his junk in her face. Made him *real* easy to remember Then likely had "birds" in the brothels to peg braggarts about the parade.
Guessing some time passed between the end of the story and the piss ended by wall

Just be reeeeeeeal wary of these discussion forums dude. People may drop spoilers for BB under ths assumption that everyone is veteran viewers. Suffice as to say many of these BCS characters undergo some changes and major life events during BB and it'd suck for you to not experience it unsoiled like the rest of us

Yes, because: asshole
Asshole's deserve to be fucked with. It's like…a law of nature or something.
And the proof of asshole-ism was the fact that he was such a cocky asshole that he figured he was continuing to "win" by just stmbling upon a couple jabronis with a wad of cash and no plan.
Once that ego got artifically

He ain't no Finck anyhew

Thinking that was Sister Machine Gun maybe with the hidden Doors cover? (my God I can't believe I remember that)

Really? I *love* Vic in OB.
He's the perfect bumbling villian and offers great dark comic relief. He's basically Wile E Coyote in the flesh but there was enough menace in him in OB to keep the villian descriptor. He was a standout in the 1st season for me.
It'll be a little wierd to see him playing the "smart"

To my mind the main thing being missed here is clearly Hamm's character likes…no LOVES doing this. This is what he's good at and if he was out of the game for a whle he'd be desperate enough to believe anything the cops my dangle out there. Convince himself even just so he can prove how damned good he was at it.