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    We need to change the laws.
    It should be a mandatory felony charge to be found committing aiding or abetting any crime while serving as a policeman in the U.S.

    Violating the public trust shouldn’t be A crime. It should be the WORST crime. Then we might finally see some change.

    Lack of imagination. Both on your part, and that of the writers.
    You want Star Trek, you want to explore really exciting ideas? The Klingon war gets won by a captain from a fascist alternate universe. But he’s one of the GOOD GUYS there. Trying to take down the emperor and save other sentient species.
    What happens

    This is nonsensical. Rather than looking for life, let’s look for something which can only reproduce with the help of life.
    You can make the argument that viruses are more hardy, but only if you pretend tardigrades and many extremely resilient bacteria don’t exist.

    I wonder, when you (and undoubtedly a slew of people in the comments) point out all Disney’s shitty traits, do you feel superior?

    Three words:
    Gay “Leo” Snart.

    Best thing in Arrowverse ever.

    What sucks is that an entire race is getting blamed for what an old fart says.

    Please, PLEASE let this lead to a recast.

    You made that stat up. I’ve done multiple papers on suicide and it’s consistent across industrialized nations. Take away guns and men move to hanging.

    I think the problem isn’t how dark some of the show’s characters are, it’s that they aren’t earning it.
    I’m fine with the idea that the Federation gets into a brutal war with the Klingons and they start losing. I’m fine with that starting to wear on the people in the Federation, as ideals keep costing lives against

    Of course 15-25.

    Any word on how many carriers “feared for their life,” killed the dog and maybe shot the owner too?

    A foreign state trying to influence our elections is serious and should be dealt with.

    Full of shit?

    Is this The Onion?


    Do you proof read at all?

    The 20th century was the wettest in California in thousands of years.

    Damn, this is ignorant.

    So when Rudyard mocks a culture he considers inferior and calls it names, he’s a “fuck.”
    When Katharine does it, she’s a - what? Talented writer ? Insightful?

    I love you so much