
Not long now, thank god. My last fantasy hockey draft is tomorrow and then I'll be fully ready for puck drop.

Yes, but also Buttercup's red riding gown with the boots!

I am legit obseeeeeeeessed with Shae's dress from Game of Thrones:

It took me to about age 25 to get even a little bit comfortable with calling myself bi. I mean, I'd had actual sex with girls before I could even say it to myself. Now I'm married to a dude and I'm still trying to find all the ways to comfortable with calling myself bi. It's a process.

We've come out, and then we have to come out again, and again, and then we're in a new relationship and we have to come out *again*, and it's just. Yeah. The fun never ends! Sarcastic party hats for everyone!

SAME. It will legit break my heart.

Right you are. I went to uni at St. Andrews and our shinty team described themselves as a cross between golf, hockey, and lacrosse but with fewer rules and no padding. Also they all drank a lot. A LOT.


I am legit crying with both laughter and joy.

I'm gonna be using this gif for the REST OF MY LIFE.

Just a point - they don't hate the British, they hate the English. It's like how Andy Murray is British when he's winning Wimbledon, but Scottish when he's losing.

RIGHT? I wasn't feeling it in the stills from before the show aired, but as soon as I saw him in the first episode I was like, "YEP. YEP YEP YEP. ALL OF THAT PLEASE."

"I can last for hours," he says, like it's a positive. Meanwhile, everyone's lady parts begin to curl up in protest.

Duck is a great comparison for it. My husband is from South Louisiana, and his dad makes an amazing rabbit sauce piquant - I'd never had it, or squirrel, before I met my husband, but he's expanding my culinary horizons!

TBH, I wasn't digging Jamie that much in stills, but in the show he's exaaaaactly right. And Caitriona's got that kind of... interesting face that looks like she's seen some shit. It really works for me for Claire. I definitely would give it a watch if I were you.

I read these books for the first time when I was 12. (I'll be 29 next month.) My mom and I were obsessed with them together for years and years. I've been rereading them in prep for the show and OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH. The only thing that bugged me in the first episode was the way Dougal looked, but

My husband and I have been watching it together for the past few weeks and we've decided that this is the kind of family we're gonna have when we have kids. It shouldn't be aspirational, but they all love each other so much. I love it.

Right? When I first read the book I thought Claire and Dougal were gonna have a Thing before the Jamie marriage. Sad that there's not more dreamy Scottish eye candy for me to enjoy. Not that Jamie's not enough...

He's like five years younger than Clare - she's 28, he's 23. He's also the youngest of the guys in the group that found Clare.

It is SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Except for how Dougal looks, it's all like it was pulled from my head. Oh my god so good. SO GOOD. GIVE ME MORE.