
Deadly serious. She was the sweetest girl. She did not deserve the impression of drama that name gave her.

I also briefly worked with a lady named “Expensive.”

I went to high school with Tender Lea Mount.

Since you’re both doubling down on victim blaming, AND not addressing what I’m actually saying, I’m just going to leave you with this:

Hey, you might get strangled/shot/killed, but at least you’ll have your dignity!

Hey pal. I guess you don’t know this, but abusive relationships start out awesome! Abusers are charming. Slowly — very slowly— they reveal themselves to be evil, but by the time you know they’re evil, you already know that they bought a gun behind your back and aren’t afraid of hurting you! I guess you also don’t know

Hey pal, my abusive husband took naked photos of me without my permission, while I was unable to stop him. He also demanded naked photos of me, that, had I refused, would have led to an even worse situation. What’s your advice? What should I have done? Please, tell me how I was in the wrong for the abuse I suffered. I

I’ve done some EMDR therapy for pain, which helped a lot more than I expected it to. And learning some restorative yoga poses, getting some giant yoga blocks and a bolster so I can use them at home.

Why would releasing it at the same time they do every year, at a time that more people than ever (because football is more important than anything else right now) are watching local news and reading local news reports be a bad thing? Do you really think that they expected absolutely not a single person to show up? Or,

THEY HOLD THE PRESS CONFERENCE THE SAME WEEK EVERY YEAR. THAT’S MY ARGUMENT. THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE TO RESCHEDULE A YEARLY REPORT FOR A FOOTBALL GAME. There is more than 1 journalist in Minnesota, someone, ANYONE could have showed up. But football was deemed more newsworthy than male violence against women.

Guess I’m not getting that A+ in Debate class this semester. Damn! Thanks for educating me, Internet Man! Your opinion really matters.

You have argued throughout this thread that the super bowl is way more important than this yearly report and that it’s ridiculous that anyone would expect any news outlet in Minnesota to take even one journalist off the 24/7 football coverage, so I’m gonna stick with my facetious comment. Maybe you should take a big

A blogger I follow is doing a yoga retreat in June. 2 fat babes doing yoga in the sun, swimming in the sea, eating good. But it’s in Turkey. Not sure if you’re willing to use your passport.

Can’t women just reschedule their murders? Don’t they know football is on? Fucking inconsiderate!

They rotate them around! When I went, the black and white knight was short and stocky with a powerful handlebar mustache. Handsome, but not like a soap opera doctor. Like a hipster lumberjack.

When I was there last he was the red knight. I dunno his name.

I am so excited to back now! The Dallas show is the best, not only because we now have a Queen, but also because one of the knights is handsome like a soap opera doctor.

How is he eating Starbursts with his poorly fitting dentures?

I don’t have a problem with this model’s body, because I do not want anyone to have a problem with mine. My issue is that this is an ad for eye wear. Why does the model have to be thin? I’m pretty fat and I’ve worn glasses my whole life...but I’ve never seen a fat eye wear model. Diversity is the key here. Show me

I grew up in rural Kansas, and was the oldest woman in my family to get married — at age 22. We split up 5 years later. Rural folks not only have nothing better to do than fuck, we also have religious guilt telling us to get married before we fuck.