
Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes are dating, and his Robin Hood co-star, Taron Egerton, is dating a Katie Holmes lookalike that the Daily Fail linked to Tom Cruise in 2015, while she was working as a PA on a film he did in London. Interesting.

Born to Die is fucking incredible and anyone who disagrees can fight me.

My own father pulled this shit with me when I told him that I would have had an abortion if my abusive rapist ex-husband had gotten me pregnant. His exact words were “That baby didn’t rape anyone.” No, but that baby wouldn’t deserve to live with that monster, either. And I know if I’d gotten pregnant, I never would


Once a month, they have an open-house type thing for the artists/galleries. Every time other than those couple hours is an off time.

I love and miss Crown Center. Also, a KC sidenote - the social media person at the Nelson is a saint. Tell the Nelson I miss it, next time you drive by, will you?

Valley View mall in North Dallas has been turned into a rent-free artist space while they wait for a developer to demolish it. It’s sort of awesome, in a post-apocalyptic way. If you go at an off time, however, the feeling that you’re definitely going to get stabbed in a dark corridor is unshakable.

Stay because the cost of living is so low that the wages are too low to ever save enough to move away.

I use it when I get out of the shower. It is slightly sticky that way, but I put it on while still pretty damp, then brush my teeth and faff about my apartment naked until it soaks in. Doesn’t usually take more than a few minutes, and it’s still super moisturizing without making my bathtub a slip ‘n slide.

I use it when I get out of the shower. It is slightly sticky that way, but I put it on while still pretty damp, then

Thanks, Tunnel Bear, for always letting me watch Channel 4 and BBC iPlayer, way over here in Texas.

I dunno if you know this, but there are racist people in the North. And, there are non-racists in the South. Just sayin’. FYI.

I always use my birthday as the Firth Film Festival Extravaganza, but I’m into adding some Keanu to the mix.

Yeah, the dude with the hole in his chest for intervening should have chosen his words more carefully. What an asshole.

The public school system benefited me by having schools available in my rural hometown. Because there were brick and mortar schools, (not just online schools to protect me from nefarious Kansas Grizzly Bears), I had access to wonderful teachers that recognized that I wasn’t paying attention because I was bored, and

They hurt his feelings, and that’s enough for me.

Thanks for this, I almost spit my club soda all over my desk.

I’m good to be beamed into Bowie’s alternative timeline any time. He’s got Prince and Carrie Fisher and Alan Rickman over there.

Oh snap, everyone watch out for this steaming hot take.

Getting the “Au Naturale” and the “Beautifully Berry” as well as a $2 powder brush added to qualify for free shipping. Now I can leave a bit of makeup at work for those lovely 14 hour days...

Getting the “Au Naturale” and the “Beautifully Berry” as well as a $2 powder brush added to qualify for free

I was 18 when someone sent me Casimir Pulaski Day and I’d still count Illinois as a major album of my teen years.