
So even ignoring the part where you’re gross and racist, what lawful command was issued in this instance? That white lady isn’t a cop! Do you think that white people just get to order black people around or something? You do, don’t you?

What they did is they were cooking out next to a lake. Lakes are, famously, made out of water. Water, also famously, puts out fire. Not a huge fire hazard to grill next to a lake, which must be why folks have been grilling next to Lake Merritt for decades without incident.

The ghost of Rosa Parks politely asks you to shut the fuck up.

This has always been a problem with video games. Not just competitive video games — all of them.

Make all Twitch chats for major tournaments/events subscriber-only and have a slice of the revenue go to supporting the event organizers and competitors, IMO.

How do you figure? If someone calls me a “faggot,” is that ‘weirdly more appropriate’ and not hateful or derogatory because I am, in fact, gay?

I’ve always felt that if the full story about the Karolyis gets out, it will be ugly.

Uh, these responses are bizarre. It was intended as an INSULT. How does the fact that it might somehow accurately reflect the target’s sexual behavior make it OK? It’s saying “you’d like to go and do this, and referencing that fact is insulting to you.”

Not all gay people like giving fellatio, just like many straight dudes don’t like giving cunnilingus. More importantly, using someone’s race/sexuality/gender/etc as a weapon when you are reaching for an insult is rude. That’s the issue here. He clearly wasn’t trying to actually encourage him to go get laid - he was

Spot on. Know your audience, as the saying goes.

I’m a fighting game player. I’ve played with the same group for over a decade. We drink and smoke when we play. If I had to classify the setting, I’d go with “’hood as fuck”. And I don’t mean “bunch of straight white kids who think dropping the n-bomb is fun”. The

It’s problematic because the implication that “you’d like sucking a fat cock” is negative was clear in the nature of the insult.

I mean, I’m a straight dude, and I wouldn’t be terribly insulted by someone telling me to “go suck a fat cock,” because that’s not something I do in my daily life, and can therefore brush

The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

Don’t click on it then, Jesus Christ. This shit is important, so important. You are under no obligation to read articles that you clearly have little interest in. I have friends that work in the industry, I give a crap about their well-being, I find this stuff eye opening and interesting.

I for one want to know these things so I can stop supporting companies that defend awful people.

Kotaku has always tried to feature a variety of stories on their homepage, some good and light reading while others on negative or serious topics (and a lot better ratio of positive over negative stories than most other MS news sites imo.) With a topic that has gotten as large and diverse as gaming, there’s going to

Stories about shitty studio practices should be right at the top of any gaming-related site. If those people are whistleblowing in hope of improving their work conditions, every site should make it a top priority to cover the story.
The industry should improve and the only way for that to happen is by spreading

“You want to talk about homophobia? I work with Ellen Page, who fights for LGBT rights. You want to talk about racism? I work with Jesse Williams, who fights for civil rights in the USA... Judge me by my work.

Cage is also accused of a lack of consideration for female colleagues, and of making insistent dirty jokes, smutty remarks in the presence of his wife, and inappropriate remarks about actresses in his games.

White, mid 20's, socially awkward douchebags that have no idea how to interact with real live human beings. So, you know, it’ll be just like every other Boston sports scene.