The lady love for convertibles always confuses me. they’ll never let you drive with the windows down because it messes up their hair but they almost universally love convertibles.
The lady love for convertibles always confuses me. they’ll never let you drive with the windows down because it messes up their hair but they almost universally love convertibles.
My wife is the same. And every time she brings up that we need to get an SUV once we have a kid, I bring up that a full size van would really be much better. Then she backs off and says that her Prius will be fine for up to two kids. I still want a full size van.
In the mid-’90s, I moved just outside of Seattle and bought a 1970 Ford F-100 Ranger XLT for $500 cash in hand. I loved that truck. The first night I had it, I drove up to a scenic spot in the Olympic Mountains and slept in the bed under the stars. The engine was in great shape, a 300 straight 6 with mostly original…
It all revolves around the “handling” :)
That is not in the intent of the story prompt but is still an AWESOME story. Go you!
Him being a die hard two wheels are better than four bro...while wanting to borrow my extra every time it rains/snows/someone needs picking up from the airport. Always having to be the one to drive, by extension. It’s becoming a point of contention.
Every time I bring home a beater
Got an AMG GT-S without talking to my wife about it; she was furious. Still together but it almost wasn’t worth the aftermath.
I understand why the Viper is being discontinued, but it’s still a shame. It really is a hell of a car. I do hope that Chrysler eventually makes another Viper, just with a more mainstream engine and not the V10. The V10 is amazing, but it’s awfully hard for one model to support the R&D of an engine anymore. I don’t…
Daaang. That is in the running for jalopnikest car ever.
Agreed! Welcome back, Mr. Robber. You hope had a good vacation, now never do that again.
Welcome to the rabbit hole. We just made fresh coffee. (I want to smoke a pipe in this thing so bad... I don’t even smoke...)
Wanna crack pipe but can’t. Think I am going to buy it and turn it into a rally car so i can screw around a muddy countryside in it......but HAVE to keep the plaid! In fact, I may smoke a pipe WHILE I rally this sucker....and wear a hunting cap. Oh crap, what is happening.....its too early to fall down the rabbit…
I once made a joke about my brother in law, but it fits here as well:
160 in a Maxima I took the restrictor off of. I’m glad I did because when I took my foot off the gas the car almost disintegrated and it scared me into slow cars for public roads for the rest of my natural life.
Came here hoping $kaycog would deliver for a jalop’gal and she done-did-it. Happy to be on here! Just another car guy throwing out the inclusive car person love — out.
You mean all we have to do to make cars attractive to women is to make them practical, attractive, interesting and good? Wait a second...isn’t that what men want too?! Years of focus groups down the tube!
Via the Washington Post, I have learned of a study by the Journal of Hand Therapy showing that millennial men are a…