Executor Elassus

While it’s true that the right to equal treatment could be invoked to uphold marriage equality, it’s also true that the Obergefell and Windsor decisions stand on the precedents of a pillar of cases that depend largely on the logic of Roe; Obergefell especially wasn’t argued as an equal protection case but a privacy

As someone whose family member was in rehab with him, definitely think drugs are in play here.

Naw, all the CBS viewers saw Green Book last winter. They’re woke now.

LUst in the Dust is a treasure. Water’s book “Role Models” made me howl with laughter when he called Robert Mapplethorpe a pussy: I had just finished reading Patti Smith's National Book Award winning “Just Kids”, which details her relationship and artistry with Mapplethorpe before he came to know he was gay. RIP Glenn

Nah, that cuts across all classes in America at least and probably everywhere else too. The top 1% would be nowhere without the 40% of rubes below them that continually vote against their own economic interests because those at the top know how to play on their racism, misogyny, religious bigotry, and willful ignorance

I would put the percentage at 27%, using John Rogers’ Crazification Factor:

This is great analysis, particularly the call-back to Nixon’s 25% approval rating. That’s a really big chunk of the country who remained steadfastly supportive of a president who had obviously and flagrantly tried to obstruct justice. 

Alligators maybe fine mothers but they are notoriously bad at monetary policy.

Yes, Donny Two Scoops is the black light of America.

Chicken Barr should have showed up today,” Cohen told reporters afterwards. House Democrats have threatened to hold Barr in contempt of Congress for being a no-show at today’s hearing as well as for missing a subpoena deadline to hand over an un-redacted version of Robert Mueller’s report”

“25%, the portion of America’s citizenry that is more or less unsalvageable”

It’s very telling that they respond to a NON-HARMFUL action - having food thrown at them - by immediately lunging and throwing punches. Tommy Robinson, for one, should be used to that kind of reaction by now.

As great as the video is of Sen. Hirono, Barr showed that he, like his boss, is genetically incapable of feeling shame about anything.

I would add that there are still plenty of dudebro Marxist-Leninists in my Bay Area community who hold the same reductive views about the relationship between class and race. The socialist bookstore had posters for a talk about how “intersectionality” is a “feel-good, make-believe” invention of bourgeois progressive

[Former English teacher] Joy Behar gives him every opportunity to re-frame his apologies to Anita Hill in the active voice - even offering him the verbiage (“...how I treated you”) - and he doubles down on using the passive voice (“...how you were treated”); he can not even accept her gift (and it was a gift).

Just retire, Joe.

“What do Democrats actually mean by ‘criminal justice reform’?”

Warren needs to point out how Mulvaney is destroying the CFPB now. If her creation is such a threat, imagine how terrified they would be of President Warren. I would also like her to focus on enacting rational immigration reforms. If someone is here working a job, they are invested in the USA. They should be offered a

Sad thing is that empty vessel nature could pick up votes others won’t because they can assign any beliefs they want to him. Not saying that’s why he should be the chosen one but more as an indictment of the times...

If he hadn’t run against Ted Cruz, Beto O’Rourke would still just be another DLC back bencher in Congress, and that’s fine. But people needed to be excited about Cruz’s opponent, and thus the full weight and wealth and spotlight of Hollywood and NY liberals was invested in his Senate race. Because an empty vessel was