Her lawyer is a former Sputnik employee, ffs:
Her lawyer is a former Sputnik employee, ffs:
Maybe we should also point out, since this is the actual end-game and saying otherwise is disingenuous at best:
Call them a racist piece of shit to their face every time you address them, and see how quickly they get #triggered by “just words.”
Also, too! A lot of the so-called prudishness of the 19th century was a reaction against their elders, of the Regency and earlier eras, who were absolutely all about that kink. The most fashionable women in Paris at the turn of the 19th century, the Merveilleuses, went out wearing dresses made out of loose, sheer…
might have been two weeks. Still. A theater full of coughing people. I stopped paying attention at “I went to this great ballet performance…”.
I was in a zoom meeting yesterday with a guy living in NYC. He said one of the ways he was coping was that last week he went to a dance performance in the Metropolitan Theater. He said the whole audience was coughing the entire time.
I’ll never forget one of my favorite captions, courtesy of Yr Wonket, back during one of those godforsaken presidential primaries back in the Before Time, featuring Herman Cain holding up a clenched fist. The caption: “I can and will make this fit.”
When I was growing up, summer meetings of the Boy Scout troop were kinda slow. Usually only two or three kids. One summer evening, the church had stocked all their donated clothes in one of the rooms off from the hall where we held meetings. I and my fellow scouts took one look at all the fabulous 80s fashion hanging…
That whole “separate the artist from the art” argument was always horseshit, though. As Hanna Gadsby points out (in her stunningly good Nanette), “Nobody owns a circular Lego nude, they own a Picasso.”
I am extremely confused, and this article does not clarify. Did the board resign in protest of the nominations? Or did the board make all those nominations, and then resign to escape the inevitable backlash and firing, as a final fuck-you to the French film community?
One of my very favorite moments from the 2000 Summer Games was cutting back to a clearly barely-awake Bob Costa who said only, “so you’re saying to me, ‘hey Bob, how ‘bout some more of that water-polo action? You know, half-naked men thrashing around in the water, tugging at each other’s swim trunks?’ Well, here ya…
Denmark would like to remind you to use your vacation to bone, also, too:
Because he’s never run an actual campaign with serious oppo against him, and it’s horrific. All the GOP has to do is play clips of him saying he was “excited” to watch Castro’s revolution as a child, or arguing in 2015, after they invaded Ukraine, that we needed a “new NATO” that included Russia, or talk about his…
This is fine and imma let you finish, but always remember: we can have our fights about who’s best to win the nomination (for the record, my choice was Warren, but I’m kinda disappointed in her recent performance), but come November, whoever it is, you better grit your fucking teeth and vote for the Democrat, and make…
Here’s your regular reminder, the article explaining which I can sadly no longer find, that this trend of men’s sneakers with stupid oversized heels was all due to one Italian designer who insists that small feet aren’t masculine, and so made designer sneakers with giant oversized soles so that insecure men could butch…
a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs
pfft. If we’re crash-landed on some mountain in the Andes and you die, so would people eat you.
This was standard practice at Wal-Mart for decades. In fact, California estimated that the public subsidies Wal-Mart employees were consequently qualified to receive amounted to a taxpayer-funded subsidy of Wal-Mart’s business that was worth billions.
This would be great. Cut everybody’s wages 20%, but like the article says they’d actually be more productive, so the JOB CREATORS can see even more return for their business acumen. Also, keep the classification of “full-time” at 40h/wk, so now nobody gets benefits (as if anybody were getting any health insurance or…
As the saying goes, “Baptists who can read.”