Executor Elassus

I did, actually, and he’s actually a good dramatic actor. He just seems the wrong kind of physical actor to do what I remember Paul doing: going from an aristocrat’s son to a hardened desert commander. 

Still giving serious side-eye for casting a twink as Paul Atreides (tbf, Kyle MacLachlan wasn’t much better). I always imagined Paul as needing an actor who was lean and muscular, who got himself fat right before filming so he could lean down again and have some muscle. Edward Norton ca. Fight Club, carved out of wood.

Is there a word for the style of dress that Dolores was originally wearing? A snug jacket over a floor-length skirt? Because that style is very much, as they say, my bag. 

Sorry, got them mixed up. It’s Jonathan on both PoI and Westworld. 

This is one of Christopher Nolan’s failures of imagination (or misplaced faith in Americans’ sense of self-determination and Freedumb™). Back when he was running “Person of Interest,” there were similar debates about an all-encompassing surveillance state. In the show, it was presented as some great horror that

might have been two weeks. Still. A theater full of coughing people. I stopped paying attention at “I went to this great ballet performance…”.

Is nobody going to talk about Elnor bursting into hysterical sobbing on Raffi’s shoulder while she says some amazingly horribly-written garbage? “There there, cry it all out.” or something. It was the most craptastic thing.

I was in a zoom meeting yesterday with a guy living in NYC. He said one of the ways he was coping was that last week he went to a dance performance in the Metropolitan Theater. He said the whole audience was coughing the entire time.

Of course I know what a motif (more properly, even, a Leitmotif) is, and what function it serves. My whole point is that using the soundscape like that is a very old-fashioned scoring technique nowadays, and it comes off to me as less interesting, and even lazy.

Another random musing: Rehoboam’s internal representation (which is what I assume is the white diagram tracking the “divergences”) sure looks an awful lot like Samaritan, that future-planning not-really-benevolent AI mastermind from that other Jonathan Nolan series.

So, after you lead with this:

I’ll never forget one of my favorite captions, courtesy of Yr Wonket, back during one of those godforsaken presidential primaries back in the Before Time, featuring Herman Cain holding up a clenched fist. The caption: “I can and will make this fit.”

When I was growing up, summer meetings of the Boy Scout troop were kinda slow. Usually only two or three kids. One summer evening, the church had stocked all their donated clothes in one of the rooms off from the hall where we held meetings. I and my fellow scouts took one look at all the fabulous 80s fashion hanging

Well, or just Trek in all its corny, high-camp craptastic pageantry. We’re four episodes in and we already have a visit to a seedy casino planet and meet the Thieves’ Guild.

That whole “separate the artist from the art” argument was always horseshit, though. As Hanna Gadsby points out (in her stunningly good Nanette), “Nobody owns a circular Lego nude, they own a Picasso.”

I am extremely confused, and this article does not clarify. Did the board resign in protest of the nominations? Or did the board make all those nominations, and then resign to escape the inevitable backlash and firing, as a final fuck-you to the French film community?

One of my very favorite moments from the 2000 Summer Games was cutting back to a clearly barely-awake Bob Costa who said only, “so you’re saying to me, ‘hey Bob, how ‘bout some more of that water-polo action? You know, half-naked men thrashing around in the water, tugging at each other’s swim trunks?’ Well, here ya

Now playing

Denmark would like to remind you to use your vacation to bone, also, too:

Because he’s never run an actual campaign with serious oppo against him, and it’s horrific. All the GOP has to do is play clips of him saying he was “excited” to watch Castro’s revolution as a child, or arguing in 2015, after they invaded Ukraine, that we needed a “new NATO” that included Russia, or talk about his

This is fine and imma let you finish, but always remember: we can have our fights about who’s best to win the nomination (for the record, my choice was Warren, but I’m kinda disappointed in her recent performance), but come November, whoever it is, you better grit your fucking teeth and vote for the Democrat, and make