Wow. I just…he seriously said that? Seriously? I knew there was a reason I stopped watching his shows and keep up with it only through Tumblr and reviews.
Wow. I just…he seriously said that? Seriously? I knew there was a reason I stopped watching his shows and keep up with it only through Tumblr and reviews.
@avclub-c887c2fe6d6bcbddb2b6d60038ad98b5:disqus I'm totally okay with the lack of really epic male characters. Rumple is fantastic and in many ways a much more compelling lead than Charming and the show has plenty of room to grow.
It was SO LITERAL. And, I mean, I love a literal dream sometimes because then I don't have to do the heavy lifting, but it felt like it was more emblematic of the show's core problem.
Man I just can't bring myself to hate this show. Yes I giggled like a maniac when the booby fairy brigade started dust bombing guards. And chortled when Snow White was about to make out with mirror Charming (after yelling out "Charming" which I'd forgotten was his name). But then Regina had her stupid dream where…
The shark jumping is one of the best parts of Grey's Anatomy and in any season where they do it a few times you can expect some really entertaining tv. But that 4th season was just…it was like instead of doing insane things they just all took a seat and stared at the camera while quietly eating popcorn.
I generally agree with the 5 seasons and cut it bit but two of my absolute favorite shows flagged towards the end of their 4th seasons had truly awful 5th seasons and then had major creative comebacks in their 6th seasons.
Osha is awfully spiritual compared to her book counterpart. She could easily take on the Reed role. Poor Rickon will be shipped off with some new character or someone in Winterfell might get a stay of execution (and one actor in particular is a favorite of the producers. I could definitely see him getting shipped off…
I'm not too worried. They showed her briefly in the pilot and she's a character, like Catelyn's brother, who will suddenly be introduced for plot purposes later.
To New Yorkers anything NOT in NYC or LA is redneck.
You mentioned Manchester Prep and I immediately thought "isn't that the show where a girl orgasms on a saddle."
Wait why does Fey going ugly on camera indicate low self esteem?
I'm so glad Debra Monk is getting work—even if it is just playing really loving moms to attractive people.
Yeah get the dude who was fired for saying homophobic things back at the same time as the guy he said it to and bring back the lady you fired because she didn't have enough sexual chemistry with others.
Oh see I found the addiction issue went hand in hand with his relationship with Sissy. People like her take his control away, his addiction, the sex he has, gives him a semblance of control back.
I found the film to be utterly purposeful in it's desire to desexualize sex addiction and depict it as frankly as possible.
I saw this episode out of order. I knew Adriana had turned but I wasn't clear on much else and after this episode I had to make a clean break from the show. Her death—the inevitability of it—was terrifying. To this day I've never been more upset by a death on television or in film.
I do not get the Jasmine hate. Maybe it's because I've known a lot of Crosby's in my time but I nearly always side with Jasmine and want to punch Crosby for being soooo self-involved.
…So I was the only one shouting "Vampire Buffy!" when Caroline waded into the cluster of ghost vamps? Where the hell did she learn to fight and why is she trying to take away Lexi's blond badass vampire card?
I'm thinking that too. Which means they can then possibly fanwank away all of Caroline's awesomeness.
I was a huge fan of the interaction between Gemma and the florist. Loved how they instinctively understood each other.