Alex Cranz

So maybe I missed it, but where's Laure at the end? We don't see her standing to fight with the other police, nor do we see her inside with the living.

Absolutely. Though between the gross torture and ill advised sex and last week's Mama Pope feast I'll take the gross torture and ill advised sex. Less gristle.

I think this season is doing some interesting stuff exploring previously undiscussed (in mainstream) issues in the black community.

I kind of get where she's coming from. It's a little ridiculous that Homeland or The Americans are "dark and serious spy drama" but Scandal is "guilty sudsy pleasure."

Do you think all the gore is there because a lot of the core production and writing staff started with Grey's where gore happens all the time and they didn't realize that random guy chopping his leg off with a chainsaw as seen from the point of a self absorbed doctor is fun, but lady chewing through her own wrists

Well like, when a lady goes that postal I'm a little scared, but as long as I'm not a kid and she's an adult it's fine?

Depends. If you're a lady and a dude does that to your desk while you're sitting at it then yeah, its really, really scary.

All I'm saying is that between Tink risking everything to help Regina, Hook being a bro to Charming and Mulan trying to confess her love for Aurora this was a glorious and gay as hell episode of television.

She really hasn't changed. Like look at how she was trying to flirt on the dance floor, or her over exuberance when showing Carter her gun.

Yes. And often.

At the Austin TV Festival this summer the guys from OUAT talked about their original plan to kill off Prince Charming, leaving Snow a complete widow in Storybrooke even after the curse was lifted.

I always for get this but Callie and Arizona? The most visibile queer couple on television!

I'm kind of surprised too. This season had some very cool episodes I would have loved to see Talkbacks for.

Boggles my mind to see how many people in these comments skipped the last paragraph of Todd's article. And it's really easy to see you guys skipped it with you talks of "exes" and "Heigl's."

Nodame from Japan. I imported the DVD years ago, but if I want friends to watch it I have to lone them the DVDs AND a region-free DVD player.

What stuck out to me this episode wasn't the crazy "throw it all against the wall" thing or how the Watty revelation kind of overtook Lamar's illness when maybe Watty could have sat on that nugget just a liiiittle longer.

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus According to Tapert season 5 was so awful because he had a new show, Lawless was pregnant, the two guys running the season had written all of one episode before their promotion and knew very little about television production (Orci and Kurtzman!) and yup, most of the

Lyre Lyre was the 100th episode if I remember correctly, and the last one for a huge chunk of the crew, including the costume designer. They all moved over to work on Lord of the Rings.

The season 6 finale is kind of an anomaly. It's just tremendous storytelling while the show is usually…less than that, and the season that followed it did not deliver on it's promises at all. It's only it's current season after they offed or sent away three principles that it's really shown improvement.

What's funny about the financial trouble storyline was it actually only lasted maybe three episodes? It was just SO STUPID.