
Mustang owners, please ignore this post.

Hmmmm.... This reminds me of something. I just don’t.... Have I seen that somewhere before? Does it look like..... If only I could remember!

#1 rule of off-roading videos: nothing anyone posts will be difficult enough for the commenters

Except that’s not how it works. When you can afford to drop $50k+ on a car, you are cognisant of what it took to get there, and how much it’ll cost if you’re careless all the time. Ergo, you are careful not to hit other cars.

Nice write-up, but there’s still zero chance I’m able to correctly identify any of them correctly outside of the P1.

Not one drop of ugly in a Stratos. More apt description is Brutally Beautiful.

The questin was not, I believe, about the most ugly, ugly car.

But it’s not ugly.

Still wicked ugly tho.

Glad you got the joke. Really thought you might miss it there for a second

Maybe not individuals, but if a company is looking to run a fleet as work trucks, a small difference in fuel economy can make a big difference in the profitability of the company.

A subprime auto loan is not the same as a 5-1 ARM mortgage. With a house, you’re buying an investment. With an automobile, you’re buying an asset that you (should) know is going to depreciate. If you bought with a subprime loan, it’s because you needed a car and had the disposable income (whether subprime or not, if

It’s clear you don’t understand Spinal Tap

3rd Gear: Does A Mid-Engined Corvette Even Make Sense?

Florida Man Sees Article About How to Make Money Flipping Cars, Fails to Read to the End

Yes, and no. The driver was probably not centered on the cg of the car, and the car rotation wasn’t even, but rather a series of tumbles. All those tumblings were generating pretty extreme forces on the driver, in a way the safety systems aren’t really designed to handle. He got lucky.

It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.

His clone probably wrecked him.

Try driving something with four wheels and your ass two inches from the ground that doubles that time. Go karts... fucking awesome.