
Kuffs is my favourite movie. Not even kidding.

Nothing, NOTHING, will ever top the UK Office Christmas Special.

Ah, Plxorn.  You beautiful doomed bastard.

Red Dwarf had a good version of this: “Why don’t you listen to one of the great classical composers, like Mozart, Mendhelson, or Motorhead.”


The thing to understand is that the 80’s obsession isn’t a thing that naturally happens.

*margin of error 200%*

And if you like the new show, Netflix also has “I’ll Have What Phil’s Having,” so you can go back and catch up. Plus, some PBS stations (including mine here in Tennessee) have been re-running it to piggyback on the publicity for the new show. The new one and the old one are pretty much identical.

Didn’t he also voice puppets to make crank phone calls?

When I try to explain The National, I usually say “And the drummer is playing a completely different song, but in a good way!” or something like that.

Yeah, Wakanda company do but settle now?

1) The reason you can’t see the suspenders is because they’re almost the same color as his shirt
2) To the guy standing next to the one with suspenders: IF YOU ARE NOT WEARING A TIE, DO NOT BUTTON THE COLLAR!
3) This line:

The results are a float. The input is binaries.

That seems a bit extreme.

Oh, that’s good. He can play a smart aleck and he could pass for a character of vaguely Middle Eastern heritage.

Oh, wait, they make video games?

It’s weird this is about a guy who made a video game just to make a naked Ellen Page. 

Hopefully she doesn’t become a . . . ZOMBIE

I just want Picross 3D for the Switch. Please, Nintendo.