
A bad day can excuse you for being an asshole. A bad day cannot excuse you for calling somebody a "faggot nigger" because you're mad. If that's okay when you're mad then obviously the problem stems a bit deeper than a bad day.

My LoL experience :

Market prices aren't necessarily fair prices. This is the fallacy of capitalism. just because someone has you over a barrel, doesn't make it okay for them to stick it to you.

Private Electrical firms have always dominated the market from it's inception. Municipal power was a progressive reform reaction to the growing electrical monopolies and never dominated the market by any stretch of the imagination. Don't drink the right wing kool aid.


No. The purchase of the station has nothing to do with the retail operation. It is a municipal gas station...every town of any size has one. It is were the local government vehicles are filled up. The purchase happened years ago and has nothing to do with it turning retail. They did use $75,000 to make it retail ready

Businesses work by charging what the market will bear, regardless of their costs, in exchange for some product or service. Successful businesses can charge much more than their cost; failing businesses, the same or less.

There are a half dozen good arguments in the thread, you've accepted none of them and continue parroting your talking point that you've repeatedly made clear comes directly as a result of your own personal employment experience.

Thanks for being the voice of reason in this thread. Bateman wants to ignorantly cast the issue as Upstanding Corporation vs. Evil Municipality, and the much more important point is what you've stated: that the societal good of lowering gas prices is well worth whatever pressure it puts on privately owned filling

Hmm.. I would posit that if the elected reps of aforementioned small town decide to provide services for a price, then there is nothing wrong with it. This is clearly not a subsidy, if it is boosting the town's bottom line. A tax break for a business owner, on the other hand is a subsidy.

A for-profit company can't compete with that.

You're focused on the wrong market. We're assuming there is a market for gas stations. There's certainly a market for gas, but is there for gas stations? In the gas supply chain, gas stations only exist as a distribution point. Either they add cost or they sell at their cost and derive profits from other sources.

You keep putting forward countries that are/would be broke no matter the economic or political system. Look at how capitalism is treating Russia right now.

Using the USSR as an example speaks volumes. Please go travel the world.

"Homogenous" is dogwhistle for all-white. Whenever this topic comes up, whites covertly blame America's education lag on minorities.

Parents Night is dreadful. Last year I was singled out by a teacher in a room full of judgmental parents because my 3rd grader, for the "art show", drew a picture of a chicken giving a horse a hand-job. Seriously. I have the photo prove it if you provide me with an e-mail to send it. When I got home, I feared

It actually just looks big in the photo. They only get to be about 2ft tall. You cat-sat a serval. That's amazing.

You're safe. It is a serval. They live throughout Africa.

Spots and long legs? Did it look like this:
