
Sorry, but this is the truth of capitalism. Don't believe me? Apply the logic to any scum bag endeavor and I promise you consistency.

Oh no! A bad person!

Profit justifies any behavior. Are you insane? Some kind of socialist?

omg can you link please?

By the way, I think you would really enjoy reading the book Ishmael. I had never heard of it until recently but it really changed the way I look at the world and our collective values.

Oh, and people don't kill for fun? Hunting. Is. A. Sport.

Humans really are "so much worse" than all other animals, hence why we are in an accelerated period of mass extinctions. Do you really think any other animal has the capacity to fundamentally change the chemical composition of the atmosphere, as just one obvious example? Do you really think an animal, in defense of

It is not the "way of nature" for one animal to wage war against another animal. A lion doesn't kill an antelope because the lion hates the antelope. People do kill out of hate or for fun or for one hundred other reasons that would never occur to a lion.

I think it's easier to refer to the oppressive systems and attempt to separate from the individuals. The individual will take a defensive stance over recognizing their own context within a larger oppressive society.

You don't have to believe me, but I know it is real.

It's not a fallacy so much as a foundation. Market prices = fair prices is pretty much the dogma of capitalism and the idea that supports the whole ponzi scheme.

Sweet, so subsidizing the public's cost of gas is a problem but subsidizing private profit of gas station owners is a solution.

Because why should the government pick gas station owners as winners in the market and give them money? Why do they deserve the help more than say, a homeless person or a child without health care?

Do you disagree with Wally World subsidizing it's low wages with public assistance? Do you disagree with tax payers funneling money into the pockets of billionaires?

Your possession of above said tools has not benefited your argument by much.

Yes, because he could find a new job and enjoy the benefit of cheap services and not getting gouged by capitalist assholes.

You notice PatBateman has no problems when municipalities give out subsidies to businesses. The problem is if they help everyone instead of just the wealthy.

The US is not the USSR. Your analogy is a failure.

"Market prices" aka middle man marked up for profit.

How terrible, to offer services at cost and not taking the cut of the middle man. What will happen to Capitalism??