Yes. Also the suction cups always fail at the most inopportune moment.
Yes. Also the suction cups always fail at the most inopportune moment.
It will 100%, indisputably be an aluminum body. Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy...
$15k for an NSX would get you some cams and part of an exhaust.
To me this looks like a Tannerite explosion. It's a popular "reactive target" (read: low grade explosive) that provides visual feedback when it is shot. Given that these guys have the cash for a ton of .50 BMG ammo, my guess is this car has a few pounds of Tannerite packed into the console or seats.
I think the point is that unless the driver is fully pants-on-head retarded, these violations occurred off track. I doubt any pro driver who thinks he has half a chance at winning anything would show up stoned on race day.
I know I got pulled for tints, but the ridiculous part was that I was in the process of removing them when it happened! I had the rear hatch done and was just getting started on a quarter window when I ran out of ammonia and had to get more. Got lit up on the way to the store, and the asshat gave me a ticket for them!,-86.11084&spn=0.405223,1.056747&sll=46.347816,-85.939608&sspn=0.050656,0.132093&geocode=Ff4qwwIdalHg-g%3BFYozwwId29_Y-g&t=h&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=14&z=11
M-28 just past Seney, MI is notorious for not only being perfectly straight for almost 24 miles, but also for being located in the middle of freaking nowhere in the Upper Peninsula.
It would be much more durable, probably due to the lack of a heat-affected zone surrounding the weld pool after it cools. The grains in this area become small and disorganized since they cool too quickly, and the area surrounding the weld becomes brittle. Friction Stir welding probably alleviates this by reaching a…
I disagree, as I see at least 2 of them in the faculty parking lot on most nice days. Then again, another has a newer Viper and there are also a pair of 'Vette Z06s and the occasional MGB, so perhaps they've settled into academia after success in industry.