
You serious? How is he a dick to you? I've never seen him be a dick on purpose. I mean is it because of the swearing? I think you'd better not read the article as it's clearly not meant for people with the same viewpoint as you.

What do you think his answer is? Hmm. I might but it's a bit too broad.

Twisted Metal hasn't failed because it hasn't been with the infrastructure we have now. I also think FPS' are too big. I might ask something about FPS'.

Holy fucker on a stick! David Jaffe agreed to do an interview with me! Honestly would never have guessed he'd agree.

They won't end it because people are still buying it. If the quality worsens, I expect people would still buy it but it would lose customers slowly until it becomes like GH. Or, it could die out instantly. I mean this year we have Uncharted 3, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Arkham City and Battlefield 3 all coming out within

Same as my username. :)

Ok. There still might be a chance that this is indeed MW3 and that Activision/IW is just making more hype or something.

@B-Money: I'd give them a hearty thumbs-up if it was them! :D

@Outrage1982: Haha! Imagine if that really happened! :D

Lol! Will be picking up my R1 copy of KZ3 this weekend.

I honestly am a better killer in CoD than in BC2. My W/L and K/D are significantly higher in CoD.

Depends...You hot? Big tits? I'll consider it if bot are yeses... :)

Agreed. No way is MW3 more anticipated than BF3. BF3 has been ages in development.

Yep. Skyrim, Last Guardian, etc.

You serious? If so, that's why the series isn't evolving. They prey on people like you whose friends will "force" them to buy it even if it's not good.

If you're a PS3 gamer this will come out along with Nathan Drake as well. :)

Agreed! Brink and BF3 will be all I need. KZ3 as well. Socom really has me excited for some reason. Makes me glad KZ3 comes with a beta invite.

I know what you mean. Also said the same thing. My friends kinda forced me to get it. I honestly regret it a bit. I mean I've only played about 24 hours worth of MP. Haven't touched the SP at all. And now that KZ3 is dropping I doubt I'll ever touch it again.

Talking about BC2. :)