
Haha! I doubt it! While that could have played a hand in it, I think it's mostly due to CD Projekt's press conference. :)

Hey! This is my first time being sourced by Kotaku since I started writing vidyagaemz news! Not really being an ass but it's kinda weird since I've been reading way back when Florian, etc. were running the place.

Nope. Destruction will be more or less the same as what MW2 had. Don't expect to breach any buildings or blow a camper's roof up. :)

@Tosh.Ownage: Destruction has been confirmed to be scripted. Meaning it won't be like Bad Company.

@WhoKnew?: Not just two, but a lot of devs left. From my count, I think 45 of them? Lead animator, Story designer, etc.

Really? I kinda guessed that Bruce Lee 'toon was more known than my nick. :)

Slim or old PS3? $150? Get a new one! Damn, that's bad.

Thanks! :)

Haha! Havent' been able to drop by here because of work! Ironic that writing for games for a living leaves one no time to ACTUALLY play games.

Been busy writing. Haven't even had a chance to really play anything much. :(

We can create different region accounts not but I hope they implement it in a way that will allow me to integrate my region 3 account with my region 1 account.

Really? :) Nice!

I know what you mean. I honestly appreciate what EA is doing in their pricing model.

I normally get region 3 games. I do have a region 1 PS3 account so it doesn't really make much of a difference unless it's with DLC.

Making a decent wage and sometimes, it's honestly way easier to just pirate it instead of buying it. Even more so when you have to wait to play it legitimately. :)

Haven't been here in a while. Do people here still know me?

Interestingly enough, I wrote an article about piracy a few weeks back.

Yeah. Anyway, you can join some of the commenters at TAY.Gappoi. I go there usually.

Wow. How is the exchange rate there? Normally, a $60 game here is around $70 or $75 give or take. Not that bad, but I would want to buy it at the standard price.

I know what you mean. I mean I work to buy legitimate PS3 games as well, but I honestly cannot buy every single one. I mean I do have a family to support.