Adrian Torres

That's better than, "based on a story I overheard at a party by a guy who vaguely looked like Clive Barker who was talking about the worst case of diarrhea he ever had and the nightmares that ensued"

"David, if you don't think you're up to it, we can easily get Nana Voorhees out of Sunshine Hill to take your place, as long as she can be back at 6 for Bridge"

Lord knows Michael Murphy would have been in it at first jump…….Which, not sure why, makes my mind want a movie (any movie) with Michael Murphy & Michael Moriarty co-starring, where is that kickstarter?

Which leads to a special teaser at the end of the credits "He's the candidate of their dreams…and YOUR nightmares!"

The real villain is Crazy Ralph, he's been telling everyone they're doomed and secretly orchestrating the murders, as to drive away investers, and devaluing the land, so that he can buy it cheap and fulfill his dream of running his own camp.

So, "Forcibly taken from the mind of Clive Barker" or "Drunken scrawled on a napkin by Clive Barker, with bits of drool for DNA matching"?

"With Jared Harris as Secretary of Health & Human Services, Samuel J Loomis"

And right before that big budget proposal has to get passed. The horror!!

Does it all start when they approach/arrive at the camp grounds, the picture gets all wonks for a few seconds and someone nonchalantly mentions "I think these cameras are defective"?

Only for Renner to be replaced in the next installment, which brings back the previous creative team to handwave the mistakes away.

So basically let's remake Meatballs but with Pamela Voorhees in the Tripper role?

"Cannon Films presents a Roger Corman production of an Albert Pyun Film"

Yes we were at all the shows all week, as we were living in the rafters, Fagin was disappointed that we weren't making our rounds, but we assured the old coot that we'd hit the patrons on the way out.

That part I don't remember, would have to find my stub gor exactly which night it was. He did constantly call back to it being called the Windy City and a competition between New York and & Chicago, as to whose river was filled with more corrupt politicians and mobsters.

He had a part where "Jeff" (as Izzard named him, because) orginially had a girlfriend he wanted to propose to, but did so in a yelling voice that she dumped him on the spot, and that this was his curse to essentially be a worthless villain looking for redemption in the ranks of hecklers. Things like that tend to stick

I definetly think it's the collaberative effect, specially hearing him say that Fuller "beefed up" scenes for him, and Izzard inferring the input he normally has on characters lead to a brilliant marriage…. which most often seems the case for everything on "Hannibal".

I saw him in 2003 in Chicago at the Shubert for the SEXIE tour, and he was magnificent, but what I remember the most is his complete dismantling of a heckler that went on for about 8-9 minutes, complete with a backstory of the guy (said he was an up & coming heckler that izzard was taking under his wing, to abject

It always seems like there are multiple factors that played in it's premature death, at least when brought up in interviews, the 2 most common being ratings & writer's strike.

So it was Lady Gaga?

"And when they meet it's a happy land."