Adrian Torres

He'll end up testing his equipment out as Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch comes on the radio, naming himself.

But that also turned to Man and Bat as well. Why can't science make nice things?

For a second I read that as Chris O'Donnell and almost flipped my desk in rage, but then I put on my glasses.

Nielsen doesn't care if it's agamogenesis, the just want the people for the ratings.

…….It is evil, it's too tempting, too delicious, It's too cold. You think you drink it, no, it drinks you…..

We're talking about Orange Lazarus, right?

That's the best idea you've EVER had!

That's the best idea you've EVER had!

Don't you mean it would've been cooler if it had been "star-boy and the captain of outer space", eh there cap'm?

Well the original PR idea was to send the kids to Disneyland on the basis that they couldn't get any sicker……

"Are you surprised by my tears, sir? Strong men also cry. Strong men. Also cry."