That brain looks so good.
That brain looks so good.
You seem fun. We vandalized a mountain with a bunch of dead guys' faces (two slave owners!) I agree with your point largely but I don't think scaling Rushmore deserves the same level of outrage as trashing a park, especially since it doesn't seem like she brought anything to leave behind.
Ladder Ball got robbed
Ladder Ball got robbed
I actually didn’t mind the original cut though you have to be dedicated to get through it to the payoffs. I just think the remix made it more tolerable for most people. The shorter episode lengths and integrating more characters into every episode was a welcome change.
Everyone’s favorite Harry Potter character: Hogwarts!
The first half of season 5 was a return to form. The cast’s chemistry is still there, the cameos and sideplots were mostly abandoned, and every single scene with Maeby was absolutely genius. I am all in for season 5.
If you’re parking in Boston, download ParkBoston so you can pay for meters without quarters, monitor how much time you have left, and add more if needed. Don’t live in Beacon Hill if you have a car. Or Back Bay — my neighborhood has Monday morning street sweeping for 8 months of the year which means if you try to…
The Bojangles in Union Station is just OK but out in the wild I love them. Controversial opinion: better than Chik-fil-a. And while we’re on controversial opinions, Five Guys > Shake Shack. Crinkle cut fries are bullshit and I will take off my shirt and fight someone in a parking lot over it.
Promo code is listed as invalid.
Promo code is listed as invalid.
Fitocracy does the trick for me. I can store as many workouts as I like for free and check my history easily. I don’t use the paid version, so I don’t know what the benefits there are, but it’s easy enough to change things on the fly.
I’m flying out to Athens tomorrow night. This is absolutely perfectly timed; thank you!
This post is a few days late! I was just in Rochester for the first time for a family wedding. I thought the city was lovely but didn’t get to really explore it and didn’t have a clue where to start. Hopefully I make it back again because it seems like it has a lot of great hidden secrets.
If you’re driving up 95 through CT, stop off in Niantic and find the Book Barn. They have a few outposts that are just book shops. Skip those. The one you’re looking for is a huge old house converted into a book store with themed sheds scattered around the grounds, goats, cats lounging in the stacks, giant yard games,…
I rent and I’ve never installed or changed a showerhead in my life. Is it an easy thing to do or am I gonna lose my security deposit trying to make this work?
I rent and I’ve never installed or changed a showerhead in my life. Is it an easy thing to do or am I gonna lose my…
Wait, bowling balls are made for righties? IS THIS WHY I SUCK AT BOWLING?!
This man’s mother is the Small Business Administrator for Donald Trump...
That’s not on at the same time as Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities, What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let’s Find Out! is it?
Don’t forget about Sam Bee.
Not just a good teen, but also hard af