
In the original musical he quits the track team because the coach told him to get a haircut…just in time for Sandy to reveal her made-over self.

It was the mayor's daughter, not the dean's daughter.

I was once watching the the last part of Animal House (the parade chaos) when my six year old cousin walked in and wanted to know who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.

No, it was that his older brother and his wife were having a baby but they didn't have enough money to support a family.

On MASH Colonel Potter called Mrs. Potter mother when he talked to her on the phone, but from him it didn't come off creepy.

I had that cover too. My next door neighbor who was 5 years older gave it to me along with some other books.

I thought Margaret's mother was more upset that it was her teacher's first year teaching than that he was male, but it's been a while since I read it.

I saw a high school production of Romeo and Juliet at Interlochen Arts Camp where the Prince was African-American.

Davy, not Daisy

There's a book called All That Glitters with a fictionalized version of Joan Crawford named Claire Regrett - at one point Claire was nominated for an Oscar and slept with Bugsy Siegel so he and his people would fix it so she'd win.

Someone I know who isn't Jewish sincerely thought the term "Jewish princess" was a compliment as in someone who has a sense of style and wants to be treated well. But once I explained she understood why it could be considered insulting.

In the suburb where I grew up and where my parents still live, their mail carrier gets out of the truck and walks his route and has treats in his bag in case he meets up with people walking their dogs. Exception that proves the rule, I suppose.

After the Dick van Dyke Show she was in the flop musical adaptation of Breakfast at Tiffany's

My mother: I have a question about Fifty Shades of Grey
Me: *Gulp*
My mother: What's fanfiction?
Me: *Phew*

The only politician who has the right to complain about the theater not being a safe space is Abraham Lincoln

Records was John Landecker's mother's last name before she married.