
Why do most people leave off Malcolm and Nichelle Spellman as co creators of this show? Does it hurt the narrative?

Easy. It’s a straight on shot. He’s only cupping the balls and his bigger than average dick is going upward and hiding behind his wrist and forearm, depending how hard he is. /thread

Having used the hololens, Microsoft is very right to put that back behind close doors. It is simply not ready yet. Like VR, its a little hard to describe the experience without experiencing it, but imagine holding a postage stamp 6 inches from your eyes. That is the current viewing angle on the hololens. The AR effect

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The Warp Zone guys just did a sketch on this problem

Man, your life must be pretty sad to keep this thread going.

Chef’s a very good movie and a fun indie effort, but course correction? He made this movie while he was still attached to Jungle Book, the third highest grossing movie of the year. He’s doing fine.

Umm... that wasn’t added after Empire...

So brave

Except what you just said is present in those photos. And her skin does look like that, go google what she looks like in the posters and other promotional material where they photoshop out her blemishes. Also, you can see the muscle and how her skin lands differently on her cheek bones. Honestly it sounds like you

So you come in throwing shade at consoles then can’t take a joke when other people throw it back your way? Yeah that’s the behavior I’d expect from a PC master racer.